Monday 31 December 2012

St Lucia - Evening (New Year's Eve)

I had to race back to the ship after using the $5 WiFi in the terminal building with 25 minutes to shower off the residual mud, get dressed, and do hair and makeup for formal night!

This is our fourth and final formal Night on our 20 day cruise. JG pointed out we could pack away our formal clothes after tonight. Oh, that makes me sad to think of the end of this wonderful vacation!

Dinner was the chef's dinner - so lots of courses ( appetizer, soup/salad, pasta, intermezzo, main entree, dessert). As I write this post six hours later I am still full. J and I both chose the lobster trio for our main course.

We all retired to our rooms early, exhausted from our fun filled day. We set our alarm to wake up at 11:30 pm to ring in the New Year in style! P wanted to see the balloon drop in the piazza and JG wanted to sleep. When I went to wake P, he said he was too tired to get out of bed so it was just J and I.

We dressed in semi-formal clothes and headed down to the piazza. As we were descending the stairs we saw people with New Year's Eve party hats and realized we had left ours in the room. With only 2 minutes in the countdown to midnight we skipped the hats and kept descending the six flights of stairs.

We jockeyed into position on the 6th floor of the piazza so we could actually see the balloons fall from the 7th floor. I have the final 15 seconds of countdown on video so I'll see if I can upload that when I get to some fast WiFi.

There was a big screen with the countdown on it and the band played Old Lang Seine (I have no idea if that is how you spell that song!). People were dressed in tuxes or dark suits and fancy dresses. We then decided to go up to deck 15 for the Ultimate Deck Party. This was the more informal party where the younger crowd was hanging out. Very windy on one side of the ship!

Pictures are posted and I need sleep!

Photo 1: Lighting outside the wishing a happy New Year with the moon in the background

Photo 2: Balloons positioned before they dropped !

Photo 3: P after the champagne laced sorbet intermezzo!

Photo 4: Ultimate deck party outside

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