Thursday 20 December 2012

Aruba Day 6

JG and I found a cafe in Aruba with free WiFi where we are currently enjoying a gelato, air conditioning and free Internet.

Today we are 12 degrees north of the equator and it is about 85F. R and I enjoyed a two hour horseback ride with La Ponderosa ranch. JG was thrilled they let us cantor! Lots of cacti, lizards and even a mini owl spotted. We crossed the island by horse and went to the far side where we crossed paths with J and P who were on a 4 wheel drive tour excursion.

We returned to the ship for lunch and a shower. We disembarked again to find this free Internet but will return to he ship shortly to find J & P.

Photo 1: JG with ocean in background
Photo 2: Cacti seen from on horseback

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