Monday 24 December 2012

Dominica Day 9

Dominica highlands are a rainforest so we could have had rain today; instead we had nothing but beautiful weather +29 C and a few clouds in the afternoon. JG and J enjoyed a private excursion H.O.T. Pepper tours. They met up with Pepper by 7:15 am to be the first visitors at the Emerald Pool. They were able to spot a land crab before a few vans if German tourists arrived.

After that they went to Mr. Nice Fruit stand. They truly enjoyed
Bananas, coconut, grapefruit, pineapples and Mr. Nice! It was an entertaining, enjoyable and tasty stop.

They went to a black volcanic beach after which they came back to the town of Rouseau before visiting Trafalgar Falls. They finished up with snorkelling at Champagne Reef. Officially they were discouraged from entering the water because conditions were too rough. J assured them they would go and assess the water before making a decision to enter. There were two local guides who knew the terrain and helped gauge the water for entry. J had greater expectations for more bubbles in the water but it was still an interesting occurrence to observe (the champagne bubbles in the water ). Of the ports we have visited so far in the Caribbean, Dominica is the one J most wants to visit again.

Since I didn't get to go on the tour, I am inclined to return too! When we were about to depart the ship and P said he didn't feel well, I opted out of the excursion to stay on the ship with P to keep an eye on him. So far today he has just not felt well today- not that he is feverish or vomiting - which are signs of norovirus, he just feels tired. He did join us for an Italian dinner in the dining room and perked up a bit. At 8:41, he and JG are tucked in bed ready to go to sleep.

I did get off the ship to say I set foot on Dominica land. I shopped at some of the vendors and bought a few items made here in Dominica. Also went to the second floor of the Fort Young hotel to enjoy a cold drink and some free WiFi. I was able to download the lost Bonaire and Grenada posts!

I also used the self service laundry on our deck on the ship to wash a load of coloured clothes. Two dollars each for a load - wash or dry. That 's a much better price than sending it off to the ship's laundry service! I had to do the final drying in our room - but that is why I brought my handy little travel clothesline that has Velcro straps on the end!

Tonight as we entered the Princess theatre at the front of the ship, it is apparent there are larger swells in the ocean. I am sure glad my travel agent sister booked our rooms in the middle of the ship where it feels like there is less movement! Tonight's show was he Princess singers and dancers who performed "Boogie Shoes". Lots of flashy costumes and talented dancing. A couple from North Battleford overheard us talking in the dining room and knew were Canadian so they introduced themselves. Small world as they knew some of the Harland's from Fort Pitt - don't ask me to remember their names though! This is their first Christmas away from family - I told them to enjoy the indulgence of the cruise!

Tomorrow it is hard to believe it is Christmas Eve! We are going on a private excursion with the Canadian Mom & son, Sandra and Kyle. The six of us have booked a full day snorkelling catamaran excursion with Morningstar in St. Thomas. It will be good to avoid the crowds of last minute shoppers from six different cruise ships!

Photo 1: The Emerald Princess with Dominica in the background.

Photo 2: P, JG and J by a Christmas tree in the Piazza!

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