Wednesday 26 December 2012

Princess Cays Day 12

Today it felt like we were further north as were in the Bahamas at Princess Cays. Of course it was still warm enough for shorts and T-shirts, so not winter conditions by any stretch!

I discovered the walking track up on Deck 16 this morning and walked a quick mile before breakfast.

After breakfast in the dining room we packed up our bags for a day at the beach. We went to the Michelangelo Dining Room to catch a tender to the Princess Cays Island. Because the ship cannot dock at the island, we take a small lifeboat shuttle to the island. We only had to wait about 20 minutes before we caught a tender. The tender ride over to the island was 10 or 15 minutes long.

Once on the island, J decided to snorkel and kids decided to play in the sand while I found a lounge chair in some shade. No wonder i am still lily white! I chose lots of salad and chicken for lunch. P & JG chose the hotdogs that looked more like smokies.

By 1:30, we were ready to head back to the ship. We played trivia at 4:15 and had fun as always.

J and I had a reservation at the Crown Grill the Specialty Beef restaurant on board. J didn't like that they asked for a second entree choice in case his first choice, lamb chops, did not meet his expectations. So they brought out both entrees which was simply too much food, and in J's eyes, very wasteful.

I thought it was the best dessert of the cruise so far!

It is wonderful not to pack up our suitcases while everybody else on board packs up their bags and puts them in the hall for disembarkation tomorrow. We are "in transit" passengers along with 280 others who will continue on with another 10 day cruise of the Eastern Caribbean starting tomorrow!

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