Friday 28 December 2012

Day at Sea - Day 14

I went for a walk at 6:45 am on Deck 17 and found it very windy. I stopped for a bowl of strawberries on the Lido deck and found J trying to get to the front of the ship for a sunrise picture. That's when we discovered all the forward decks were closed due to the high winds.

JG, P and I went to Zumba class led by passenger, Sandy. We had met Sandy and her husband Ken while in transit yesterday. She was lots of fun and we felt it was a workout too. P begged off after about three songs as he felt the males were outnumbered about 15 to 1 in the class! Sandy was kind enough to give JG the gift they give to elite passengers of a luffa and some bath products.

JG and P stayed in Club Fusion for trivia. I raced off to my cruise critic gathering at Skywalker's lounge. (J was up in the fitness centre for a workout). Not near as many in attendance as last cruise. I asked if the Ultimate ship's Tour was being offered and was told not until Noro restrictions are lifted. We couldn't see the bridge, engine room or galley with current limitations in place. That would leave the print shop to tour!

After lunch J went and played bridge - there were four tables playing. JG and P read - they both seem to want to use their new iPad as an e-reader so I guess that is a good thing it is being used. I lazed in the room and watched The Hunger Games on TV.

I did head up to the fitness centre to use the shower because they are much bigger and I wanted to shave my legs. When you bend over in our tiny shower your backside is sure to hit the wall or the shower curtain - neither of those prospects is too appealing! The showers up in the fitness centre are much bigger!

We played 4:30 trivia and had our worst score to date! But then the highest score was 14 out of 20!

We quickly dressed in formal wear for our 5:30 dinner. There were two desserts I couldn't decide between so our server, Cesar, offered to bring me a small serving of each! There was nothing small about either serving! I had a bite of the banana flambé and gave the remainder to JG, then I thoroughly enjoyed the peanut butter chocolate pie that was so smooth and delicious! J, who was missing peanut butter, particularly loved it!

After a quick change of clothes, we went up to MUTS to see The Bourne Legacy. J and P sat in the hot tub for about an hour to watch. I, on the other hand sat in a lounge chair with long sleeves and pants and two blankets over me. Still a lovely evening, just windy and cool, by Caribbean standards.

Another day at sea tomorrow! Tonight P said, "I could get used to cruising all the time, but then maybe it wouldn't be so special." I have to agree with you P!

Photo 1: P and J in the hot tub while at Movies Under The Stars

Photo 2: My chocolate peanut butter pie

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