Tuesday 18 December 2012

Full Day at Sea Day 4

Well today started much earlier than I bargained for! At 5 am I heard our stateroom door open and close; I thought to myself, there is a good reason to use the deadbolt! In the pitch black of the room I heard P say, "Mom, I'm not feeling very good." I yelped a little squeal of surprise that somebody besides J or I was actually in the room!

P had an earache. As I had done my research to pack for the trip I had Polysporin ear drops and was able to give him a dose in the dark (well with the use of J's flashlight). After an hour or so the pain had lessened enough to return to his own bed to try to sleep. I promptly fell back asleep (and J didn't really ever awake for the nursing consult - much like when the children were small!)

When J and I did awake for breakfast around 8 am he couldn't rouse either child awake (despite unlocking their door and turning on their lights), so we went for breakfast alone. We sat with couples from Ontario and North Carolina. Lovely to meet them all!

Upon returning to the room the kids were awake and ready to eat so J took them to the buffet for breakfast. I wanted to go on a ship's tour of the public spaces. While on the tour we visited the Skywalker's Lounge on Deck 18. It was then I realized I had my times wrong and our entire family was to be there for a Cruise Critic private meet and greet! I tracked down JG by phoning the kids' room and left a message for J and P to join us.

Some of the ship' s officers were in attendance answering questions. We were with a well travelled group - I believe the most well travelled couple had been on 46 cruises! We all came together as we researched our cruises online and shared questions and answers within Cruise Critic, knowing this group of people would be travelling on the Emerald Princess this week!

One thrill was to meet Pescado Amarillo who writes a blog called Yellow Fish cruises - she has shared so many tips that have been really helpful - like how to write a blog while on a cruise!

After lunch in the dining room I watched a movie I the Princess theatre, joined my kids for high tea in the dining room and then watched "Flamenco Express" - dancers perform in the Piazza!

I tried my first attempt at logging on to the Wifi program on the ship and successfully sent some texts and a email. The only downside was I don't think I was using the ship's wifi I was using a merchant marine navigation system . I won't know just how costly that 11 minute mistake was till I see my cell phone bill hen I return home!

After supper J, JG and P went to watch "Bourne Legacy" at MUTS (movies under the stars). I went and sat in the front row to watch the production show called "What a swell party". I then joined my family for a cookie and milk and a bag of popcorn out on deck for the movie! Quite thrilling to watch a big screen movie outside in the dark of night with a padded lounge chair in the warm tropical air!

I am enjoying the sound of the water as I type this note on our balcony!

Photo 1: Flamenco Express dancers in the piazza

Photo 2 & 3: Chocolate mousse and cheesecake dessert

Photo 4: Movies Under The Stars screen

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