Saturday 29 December 2012

Day at Sea - Day 15

Today we had breakfast in the dining room as per usual. I then went to club fusion to try line dancing again with instructor Leesha. It was easier this time because we repeated some of the songs. R and J went up to the fitness centre for a workout.

Line dancing blended in to Zumba class with Sandy instructing again. Her husband Ken was using an iPad to film some of the class. I hope she is compensated in some way like dinner at Sabatini's for taking the time to instruct at least three times when she is simply a fellow passenger on the cruise. I definitely was sweating by the end of the class! It was good fun and exercise!

The kids and J joined me at Club Fusion for morning trivia immediately following Zumba. We asked an older couple to join our trivia team. They turned out to be from Pickering Ontario and are here with 22 family members!

After lunch in the dining room, J went to play bridge and JG and I went to create a travel journal in a bit of a scrapbooking class. We intend to use some of our leftover supplies to supplement our toy boat. This is part of a contest where we have to create a seaworthy boat that must be able to hold at least 6 beer while floating in the Neptune pool in 7 days time! P is very keen to start building but we have to start acquiring castoff water bottles to be our pontoon base! Our room steward, Janice, is onside trying to help us.

We also played the usual afternoon trivia. The pool was amazingly busy today. A day at sea at the start of the cruise for most people and many are trying to catch some rays!

After a lovely dinner of filet mignon and shrimp we headed to the Princess theatre to see comedy magician, Gary Carson. Lots of laughs and some pretty good magic. He has done 60 shows a week in Vegas for a couple of years.

The kids and I went to a fill in the blank game show in the Explorer's Lounge late this evening. It was lots of laughs and just a little bit of older humour. We loved watching this little boy dance - he was about one year old. He reminded me of P when he was that age with really good rhythm, quite a little giggle and a pretty large head!

After everybody else retired to bed, I went down to the passenger services desk to try to straighten out some special orders for our room. I ordered chocolate covered strawberries to be delivered to at least one of our rooms every day we were at sea ( not in port). So far Princess hasn't got it right. We had no strawberries appear on the first day they were to arrive or on Christmas Day - then 5 plates of strawberries arrived on December 26th. Uummmm, we don't really want 40 chocolate strawberries all at once. Then we were to have strawberries delivered yesterday and today and neither of those arrived. I don't want to be seen as a complaining customer, but I paid for the strawberries months ago and they have messed up the order pretty bad. Good thing I made two copies of the custom order form Laurie sent me just a few days ago when I was trying to resolve the kids drink sticker problem!

Well it has been another lovely day at sea. Time to head to bed as we have a day in the port of Antigua tomorrow!
Photo 1: Getting ready for line dancing class!
Photo 2: The busy pool!

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