Wednesday 26 December 2012

Christmas Dinner

So we dressed for Christmas dinner and found a long lineup for the dining room. Eventually people starting entering the by the exit doors and we found the source of the delay. One faulty hands free Purell dispenser. Nobody is to enter the dining room without first applying Purell, so an enterprising staff member took an industrial sized hand cleaner and was manually dispensing the hand cleaner to the guests. This, all the in an effort to stop germs in their tracks.

I ordered the turkey dinner with chestnut dressing and it is pictured here. J had the halibut, JG had the beef with a slice of turkey and P had the ham. All lovely dinners!

Right before we were served our entree something disturbing happened. Immediately behind me a woman collapsed to the ground; her husband tried to break her fall by grabbing the front of her shirt, but she went down with a thud flat out on her back and the husband kind of fell beside her. She laid there glassy eyed and I wondered if she had a stroke. Staff members did not come to her aid, but when a woman approached her a staff member told her to give her space. JG immediately asked to leave the table.

Eventually the woman was provided a chair to sit in and left the scene. While I was out in the hallways trying to find JG, I saw the woman walking with her husband, returning to the dining room! With all the code red and passengers quarantined to their rooms if they have been vomiting or had diahhrea I was shocked that she wasn't given any additional medical attention. She was seated at the table next to us for the remainder of dinner.

The policy onboard the ship is, if you have symptoms of Norovirus, you are to use 911 to call the ship's doctor and a doctor's visit will be arranged in your room. Once diagnosed with Noro you are to stay there until Doctor clears you. You choose meals from a bland menu, but room service requests are reported to be delayed by about an hour and a half. Dishes at not to be put in the hall when you finish eating, rather wait for staff to come in and remove. Princess staff will call your room periodically and want to speak with the patient to ensure you are in fact in the room.

The one good thing about being quarantined is if you purchased Princess insurance, the days you are quarantined will be credited towards a future cruise.

All this to say, I am surprised the woman collapsing in the dining room, didn't warrant any medical attention, despite the fact she had seen the ship's doctor in the afternoon saying she felt seasick. I do hope she is recovering okay today.

After dinner we watched another movie under the stars and it was raining so we sat under cover. They offer pizza in addition to the popcorn, cookies and milk! Like I had any space left in my stomach after Christmas dinner!

And because it was Christmas, we had to play some games! We played Qwirkle cubes, Farkle and Bananagrams on the floor of our stateroom. What a wonderful, memorable, warm Christmas!

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