Friday 10 April 2015

Santa Barbara Day

So today we arrived in Santa Barbara in the early hours. We learned somebody had a medical emergency on board the ship and was evacuated off in the early hours of the morning. Hopefully they are getting medical attention they need and are doing well.

After breakfast in the dining room we took a tender (lifeboat) to the shore. Our goal was to go to shop "Wheels for Fun" where we rented 3 mountain bikes. I was impressed with Santa Barbara - they had half a dozen information volunteers at the dock handing out maps and giving directions!  They weren't trying to sell anything, just inform visitors. We were given specific directions to find out rental shop a mere 5 minute walk away. 

We cycled Cabrillo Blvd - a lovely paved pathway all along the ocean front!

The Star Princess can be seen anchored offshore between J and P. 

Can you spot the hummingbird feeding on the flowers?

We cycled for a few hours and went for a walk by the ocean. 

The bikes only cost about $60 to rent all three and were a great way to explore Santa Barbara!

We took a tender back to the ship hoping to get aboard before the dining room closed for lunch (which is at 1:30 pm). We made it back in time but needed it to be a sea day for the dining room to be open.   So up to the buffet we went!

After lunch P and J worked out and I chilled in the room watching a movie then sat in the sun on the verandah, typing my blog.

Today's view from the verandah!  Temperature is about 18 C - perfect in the sun, cool in the shade.

I will lose wifi over supper and likely not have it again until we disembark on Sunday. So I will post this now for your reading pleasure!

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