Sunday 12 April 2015

Leaving San Francisco

Last night before bed P said he had a sore throat; I gave him a sucrets lozenge. Then P woke up in the night with a fever and not feeling well at all. I gave him some Tylenol and put some ice in a ziplock bag inside a wet washcloth. Thank you Gil for keeping ice in our little fridge in our room at all times!  Finally I switched beds with P so he could have a real bed, not a pull out couch to sleep on. He eventually fell asleep and so did I.

Alarms were needed at 6 am to wake is this morning. We couldn't find a dining room open so I had a breakfast sandwich and yogurt parfait at the International Cafe. J & P went up to the Buffet for breakfast. J had scrambled eggs, bacon, fruit & a bowl of muesli. P just had fruit!

Walk off passengers were cleared for disembarking by 7:20 am. We returned to our room to gather our luggage and has walked off the ship by 7:45. No customs to clear as we hadn't left the US since clearing customs in Long Beach.  So we walked off the ship and caught a taxi to the airport. Metered time cost us $48. With P not feeling well, we decided to forgo the BART public transit. 

Once at the airport we checked in our luggage. So here is where I went wrong. I thought I was going to lose a new bottle of 120 ml sunscreen in going through security. No, they were more concerned about my two 16 oz bottles of vanilla I had in my carry on!   Aaarrrrrggggg!😔😔😔. I lost my only souvenir of the vacation- my vanilla from Mexico!

All good things must come to an end. I am very much looking forward to going home to talk to my eldest about the newly acquired summer job!   With University finals a week or two away it wasn't possible for JG to join us on this vacation. 

J and P happy to have access to wifi too!

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