Thursday 9 April 2015

San Diego

Today we arrived in the port of San Diego!  As usual we were all awake by 6:30 and in the dining room for breakfast by 7 am. Today I had a plate of fruit and eggs florentine!

Shortly after 8 am, we were ready to disembark the Star Princess; right across the way we saw the Crown Princess was in port too. 

The Crown Princess is on the left, and the Star, in the right. 

With maps and hand we walked about 10 minutes to get to the Santa Fe Transit terminal to pick up bus 215. I was very proud to find a direct bus that was able to take us to The San Diego zoo for only $4.50 round trip. The cruise line would have charged us $50 just to commute on their bus and we would have been restricted to their start and finish times!

The San Diego Zoo really is a world class zoo. I can see how our zoo came and studied the design of the enclosures to build our zoo into a first class operation!

We started off by taking a double decker bus tour around the zoo to see the whole layout. Then we walked around the zoo for about 4 hours. So much to see here!


Giant Pandas.  They said could be a 45 minute wait but we were in and out in 15 minutes!

Polar Bears and so much more!

San Diego has the benefit of growing lush vegetation around their enclosures and no harsh winters!

We took bus 215 back downtown then walked until we found a coffee shop with wifi!  P had to secure his troops!

Quite a long line to process back on the ship with two ships in port!  San Diego is beautiful, clean and friendly - I would make a return trip here!

I'll post this before supper so you can see the day's events before we set sail at supper time!

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