Tuesday 25 July 2023

Day 6 Kotor, Montenegro

You may have noticed that my blogs have not been published daily as is usually the case. I have been relying on a SIM card and that hasn’t allowed me to access data today in Montenegro or yesterday at sea. Fingers crossed we can post the backlog of days tomorrow in Corfu. 

The sail in to Kotor, Montenegro is stunningly beautiful as you twist and turn your way through fjords. We were awake around 5:45 am to watch the scenery pass by our stateroom. It is lovely to have an adjoining Verandah with ME and DG so we can share the experience and binoculars together!

Early morning views entering the Bay of Kotor. 

Once again we went to the buffet early for breakfast to try to get a relatively early tender. We were rewarded with very few tourists inside the walls of the old city as we all took many photographs!!

Again the day was extremely hot and we were thankful for the shade of these wonderful cobblestone streets. The walls were built by the Venetians in the 1500’s to help fortify the city and they are said to have cost a lot. The price was worth it if they walls are still standing 5 centuries later!

My knee is giving me troubles on earnest. When I head out for the day I put on voltaren, wrap it with a tensor bandage, take an Advil, and use my hiking pole as a cane and I still have pain in my knee when I walk.  I am disappointed that walking has become an issue with such a wonderful trip where we have any
ports that involve lots of walking. 

When we returned to the ship we had lunch on the Lido and then went to the retreat pool for some cooling down time in the water, then reading in recliners. 

All aboard was at 4:30 pm and sail away began at 5 pm. The stunning scenery made us want to sit and appreciate the view from our verandahs so we were a bit late getting to supper. Supper was tasty. 

We then headed to the production show Rock Opera and it was a top notch performance. Amazing technical set, costumes, lighting, singing and dancing. It was first rate!!

This pumpkin had to retire to her room so that I could finish the blog and get to sleep. It has been a busy day!!  

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