Tuesday 25 July 2023

Day 4 Continued (Santorini)

DG and JP captured some wonderful photos while we were busy returning to the ship. 

It was beginning to feel oppressively hot by this time (noon). We were dripping with sweat and I have this knee that is unreliable so ME and I felt it was prudent to get to the bus pick up point for the ride back to Fira. 

That ride was about a 25 minute drive and provided a glimpse into the less affluent side of Santorini. 

Once in Fira we had to decide how to get down the 300 metre embankment to the port - walk or cable car. We learned that a taxi was not an option so this port would not be appropriate for those with mobility challenges. 

We opted for the cable car. The line at the top of the hill turned out to be a 50 minute wait before we got to the cable car. We were fortunate enough to have somebody offer to give us their cable car tickets as they had decided to walk down. So we saved ourselves 5 Euros each! 

Our cable car view of the Enchanted Princess ship as we were descending!

I perhaps didn’t mention the third way a person can descend to the port. It is by donkey!!  And I recall JP saying this morning, “There is no *#!%*# way I am going to ride a donkey. And yet here is a photo JP took as she and DG were clambering up on a donkey to ride it down the path!!! Desperate times call for desperate measures!! The smiles and laughter from the two of them retelling the story of the riding the donkey down the path were priceless! 

Donkey traffic jam photo courtesy of JP!!

A refreshing dip in the pool and a shower was very much in order. I then tried to upload half of this blog while I still had wifi. 

We then went for supper at 5:40. The meal was good but we seemed to struggle with our waiter and his assistant following through with our requests so we may try a new location tomorrow night. 

We went to a comedian magician tonight who was more focussed more on the comedy than on the magician part of the act!  After the long hot day in Santorini ME and I did fall asleep during the show so perhaps that is an unfair assessment of the entertainment!!

I am struggling to keep my eyes open now - so will sign off for the evening - but what a glorious day it was with my three friends. 

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