Tuesday 4 July 2023

Day 14 At Sea

It is starting to feel like the vacation is winding down!  We had to present ourselves to Iceland immigration this morning. They had some officers who had boarded the ship yesterday. Today we had to go up to the Observation Deck with our passports to clear customs. 

After breakfast, we then went to play a game of trivia!  We didn’t do too poorly - but we had some laughs!

And then we headed up for our reservation at the Escape Room. And the fun little surprise was that the two extra people in our group with us were the 18 and 19 year old brother and sister who had been on our hike and bike tour in Alesund, Norway! We paid an extra $15 surcharge per person to participate and we had heaps of fun!  We figured out how to crack the code and escape from the room in 29 minutes!!! (We had 16 minutes to spare!)

After lunch, the captain announced that an iceberg could be viewed starboard side of the ship. We headed up to the 8th deck and spotted the iceberg (sporting our coats as it was 2 degrees Celsius and windy)!

Supper was as lovely as ever. Then we enjoyed a movie in our stateroom!  Tomorrow is our last full day in the cruise in Reykjavík. 

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