Thursday 6 July 2023

Day 16 Disembarkation

NCL has good systems to get you to leave the ship in a timely manner. They wanted us off by 8:30 am as independent walk offs (carrying our own luggage) and we were in line at 8:30 am to exit!!  The dining room offered an abbreviated menu to ensure to make sure you were in and out quickly. 

When we left the ship we saw a very long lineup for taxis. So we pulled out the business card of the taxi driver who drove us from the Sky Lagoon and asked him to pick us up. He texted that he would pick us up at 10 am. Perfect. So we sauntered over to the little beach and played with rocks and sand for an hour. 

And in that time I lost my passport. Say what?  How could that be??  I had it when we left the ship?  And now it isn’t in my tiny purse I wear on my body?  So I was scrambling looking through my carry on luggage. And in that time P started looking around the big rocks where I was sitting - and he found my black passport in between black rocks!!  Thank you P!!  You might just have built up enough good will to get invited on another cruise!!!

So our 50 minute taxi ride cost to the Keflavik airport cost 25,000 Krone - after discount - about $250 CAD. I tried to book shuttles by bus and that would have cost about $200 for the family. 

And then we arrived at KEF - and amazingly busy airport - like crazy busy. No seats to be found so people sit on the floor everywhere. Everybody waited for Icelandic air to open - and that was a two hour wait. We played games on the floor. We stood in one of many lines for a service agent to check us through to our final destination. Lines everywhere. Chairs nowhere. And when you line up for you gate - it is a long queue- that you walk through to final board - a bus??  Not a plane?  No the bus ferried is out to a plane on the tarmac. And finally about 6 hours later we got to sit down in our seats on the plane. I have never seen anything like it at an airport. One staffer said this is what it is always like - in high season!

So we flew to Toronto without issue and then connected home. Many hours later and are looking forward to our beds!!

What a wonderful vacation!  We really loved having JG and P with us to explore Brugge, Amsterdam, Norway and Iceland!!  Until next time!

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