Sunday 2 July 2023

Day 12 At Sea

Today we are crossing the Atlantic Ocean as we head towards Iceland. We can feel more movement on the ship - but not a huge amount. We are safely located centrally low on the ship on deck 5 so our rooms are about as stable as one can be on a ship!  You feel more motion at either extreme end of the ship. 

J had a Behind the Scenes tour on the ship this morning. He was in a small group of 15 guests who had the opportunity to visit one of the kitchens, the laundry, the engine control room,  the backstage of Prima Theatre, I-95 (the main corridor for crew operations), the crew recreation area and the Bridge. J especially liked the engine control room and the bridge!  I thought it was a perfect gift for his 60th birthday and it was. 

We expected it would be crowded in the Indulge Food Hall today so we arrived 15 or 20 minutes early and every single table inside was taken- except for one!  So we scooped the one table right beside the door that opened with a blast of cold air when people ventured outside. The Prima ship has loads more seating areas outside - which is perfect for hot destinations - but crossing the Atlantic to Iceland is a frosty experience so the ship doesn’t staff those tables on days like today. The Indulge food hall is fun to eat at - you place your order on tablets at the tables and your food gets delivered from one of 11 food stations. If you are still a little hungry, you order some more!!

After lunch JG really wanted to go sit in the Infinity pool so he talked his brother P to join him!!  I tagged along to be the official photographer!

Note the absence of people on deck!!

After the swim JG used my laptop to organize photos, the boys played games and read and I had a sleep. 

We went down for supper to the Commodore Room at our usual time of 5:30. So far every night we are lucky enough to get placed at a window. 

After supper we played a game of Splendour, then headed to bed. J and JG hope to get up at 5 am as we enter the fjord tomorrow so they want to get a good night sleep and watch as we enter the fjord. And OH - the sun doesn’t set tonight!!

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