Tuesday 25 July 2023

Day 5, At Sea

On our first day at sea we tried breakfast in the dining room. We had a lot of great servers and realized there are a lot of wonderful staff and it might be in our best interest to move to a different table for dinner. It would allow JP to have greater confidence that was she was being served food that was indeed gluten free!!  Jessica was a great assistant we had at breakfast who remembered serving us on the first day AND she remembered JP was gluten free!!

We then went to the Princess Theatre to hear port enrichment lecturer Karen speak about Kotor, Montenegro (where we will visit tomorrow) and Corfu, Greece. She is part od the entertainment team and shares her knowledge of the ports - and does not try to sell you an excursion. Her job is to provide information. I found her lecture really helpful in preparing us for the next two ports where we don’t really have firm plans in place!

We then went up to deck 16 trying to find professional photographers to take a picture of us - but that was a bust so DG and ME went to to listen to an Effy jewelry presentation to try to win diamond earrings. I believe they compared it to a time share sales pitch and no, they didn’t win!

I went with JP to see an art auction.  Holy crow they have a lot of staff work those shows.  The first piece they tried to auction off at $170,000!  There were no buyers.  But it was interesting to see how the whole art auction was executed and later on more reasonably priced paintings. It didn’t look like there were many people seriously bidding - but we left after about 30 minutes. 

We then joined our friends at Gigi’s pizza. They stood in line for about 20 minutes to get a seat. JP had a GF pizza, I had regular and the others had calzones. 

JP and I went to the Santorini Calder talk - it was interesting and I would like to have heard it before we visited Santorini!  We each did our own things after that. JP went to a merengue class and had LOTS of fun!  DG found her little piece of heaven on deck 18 in the sun away from the crowds and cooled off in the shower on deck next to her when she got too hot. ME and I each returned to our staterooms to have a nap!!

Formal night dinner was lovely. We had dinner in a new section with great service. We posed for a few formal pictures and then went to see the production show “Spotlight”. Great singing and dancing. 

We are now tucked into bed, ready for a n early start tomorrow but at least we have a time change in our favour tonight!

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