Tuesday 5 February 2019

Day 9 Bora Bora

We arrived on the beautiful island of Bora Bora today. I need to watch the film Mutiny on the Bounty!  It was filmed here I do believe. 

We had a relaxing morning with not pulling into port until 10 am. Stunning scenery. Absolutely stunning. Four shades of turquoise blue water at least!  

We headed down to the Marina Theatre to grab tender tickets and loaded onto a tender to arrive in Bora Bora by 11:30 am. We looked for the Maohi Nui sign and joined the other 3 people in our group. All cruise critic folks were with us (two were from Victoria BC). 

We headed to our first snorkelling site which was in about 30 feet of water and saw lots of black tipped sharks and two lemon sharks. The largest lemon shark made me a bit uncomfortable. As J says, my head could easily have fit in his mouth!!!  Cue Jaws music!!  Our guide was comfortable enough to feed the lemon shark a broken piece of fish and reach out to pet him as he went past!  The other two women on the tour made a hasty exit back to the boat when that largest lemon shark came into view!

The next snorkelling site was in shallow water about four feet in depth. Here we had lots of black tip sharks and loads of sting rays. They Sean right up to us and are quite muscular too!  One nearly knocked me over.   The water was warm like a bathtub!!

The third snorkelling site took us past the Conrad Tahitian huts over the water to a coral area with a variety of fish. One finished snorkelling, we  took about a 45 minute boat ride past lots of resorts with classic huts over the water. 

What a fabulous way to enjoy Bora Bors for $70!!  Great private excursion!

A tender back to the ship at 3:30 allowed me to squeak upstairs to the Wave Grill before it closed at 4 pm!

Three Vonage phone calls to LC, JG and P (sister and two sons) and we felt caught up on life in Canada!!  What a great way to stay connected for 1 cent per minute!!

We had a delightful dinner on the terrace with our friends from Missouri and Ottawa. Talk about paradise, sitting outdoors to eat dinner in 30 C weather with high humidity, surrounded by the islands of Bora Bora!  Splendid!

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