Monday 18 February 2019

Day 22 Day at Sea

What a relaxing day at Sea. Nothing to rush to - but somehow we were kept busy all day. 

J went to a spin class today while I rode the stationary bike on an adjacent room and turned up the tension on my bike whenever they stood up to cycle. There is no way I could have lasted the entire class!  After 15 minutes, I was done and turned my attention to lifting some weights!!

Many scheduled activities kept me busy. At 10, Nick Glakas gave a presentation on the Pacific; this was followed by a cooking demonstration in the Marina Lou ge. Happily we were given recipes to the Chilean Sea Bass from the Red Ginger Restaurant. At 12:30, I went to the second class of my painting classes to work on my custom plate. 

The sea is getting rougher- and people are starting to get seasick. The captain hasn’t announced anything yet - but I wonder if our plans for Fakarava might be put on hold. The snorkelling company we had booked an independent tour with, contacted me by email to advise me that the Sea was very rough, and unless there was a significant improvement overnight, then the excursion would not be offered and  I would be getting a refund. We shall see!

I went to watch Bogemian Rhapsody in the Marina Lounge this afternoon. They offered free popcorn and (as always) free pop. 

We enjoyed dinner in the main dining room - where I gladly had the waiters carry my food to me!   Below is the lovely decor in the main dining room!  They never seem particularly busy in this dining room!!

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