Thursday 21 February 2019

Dat 24 Rangiroa

What a wonderful day. I was falling asleep at the dinner table I was so tired - so will be brief this evening. 

Today we weee up at 6:30 am - barely in time to catch our entry into Rangiroa. We were on the lookout for dolphin!  No sightings at this point in the day. We ate breakfast on the grill then caught a tender into town. 

We bought a few souvenirs, then walked to the far side of the island where we watched the very rough waves crashing in towards the channel. Quite powerful indeed. We enjoyed time sitting on the dock at Josephine’s and we did spot dolphins playing in the waves!!

After buying a few souvenirs we headed back to the ship for lunch. We had a snorkelling excursion booker for 1 pm. This snorkel consisted of snorkelling in the aquarium and a couple of drift snorkels through that very powerful channel. Yikes!!

We were in a zodiac boat and we were dealing with very big swells in the same channel we had been watching this morning!  I was a bit nervous and elected not to drift snorkel the first time, but then joined the group of 6 for the second snorkel. Rangiroa Plongee certainly was more professional Than any other company we used. We had life jackets and a life preserver being pukked by our guide. I chose to join in for the second snorkel and hold onto the life preserver. 

We returned to the ship where I did a load of 
Laundry. Tonight we were invited by C and E to join them in the Privee Dining. It was lovely attentive service. Our party is 8 could choose any menu items from both the Toscana and Polo Grill menus. What a spectacular evening. 

I am pooped and hardly able to keep my eyes open while J has gone to play bridge!

Last full day on the cruise will be in Huahine tomorrow!

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