Sunday 10 February 2019

Day 14 Papeete Turnaround Day

Well today was a good day to wake up with an earache. I am not surprised given all the snorkelling SW have done. Most days when I got out of the water it would feel like I had water in my ear that wouldn’t come out. 

Because today is the day when one group of passengers gets off the ship and another new crop gets on, we had the luxury of no set plans for the day and time on our hands!  So when I woke up in the middle of the night with an aching ear that kept me awake the rest of the night, I knew I wouldn’t be jumping on an impromptu circle island tour. 

My lovely husband woke and offered to go get hot water to fashion into a hot water bottle out of my nalgene container, I gratefully accepted. He also provided me with an antihistamine. We went for breakfast on the 12th floor Terrace Grill. When I came back, I fell asleep with my hot water bottle and my drugs and felt better when I woke up!

At 11 am we decided to leave the ship and walk in Papeete - looking for a pharmacy. Local laws prevent most everything from being open on Sundays so there were many closed doors. We did stop in at a church that was having regular Sunday morning service. We were clearly underdressed. People wear there Sunday best. Men in button up shirts and dress pants, women in dresses with Sunday bonnets!!

After about an hour walk we did get directed to a pharmacy that was open. Here I picked up some anti-inflammatory drops for the ear ( and again I was thankful I had enough French to convey my problem and understand his reply!

Once we fit back to the ship we headed to the Terrace Grill for lunch. We met a lovely couple from New Zealand. After lunch, J put the drops in my ear and the ear became even more plugged. 

So I appreciated the lazy afternoon while J went for a bike ride at the fitness centre. After our 5:15 muster drill I went to ship’s dr for assessment. (Already made a phone call to the insurance company for pre approval). I have ear wax deep in ear so received ear wax treatment drops and have to return in the morning for the “plunging it out” treatment!

I met J up at Horizons for a Cruise Critic Meet and Mingle. We met some nice folks - but it will be tough to replace the great group of friends we had last cruise!!  We will give it a go!

We headed up to Toscano’s - the Italian specialty restaurant for dinner. Having learned from last time- I only ordered a pasta dish - not a main course too!  Last time J had to roll me out I was so full!

Hope to get a good night of sleep with the ear as it is tonight!  Again - this was the perfect day to be slowed down with a sore ear!  J is talking of hiking the 3 Coxonuts trail in Moorea tomorrow. He may be doing that solo!!

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