Sunday 2 October 2022

Day 5 At Sea

Today we had a very filling breakfast in the dining room between 8 and 9 am.  We wanted to ensure we had full stomachs, as we knew we had to do COVID testing between 9 and 9:30 am.  Holland America has a very organized system for this.  Last night, we received a note on our bed advising us that all ‘in-transit’ passengers (i.e. those continuing on for the next 45 days of travel and not disembarking tomorrow in San Francisco) were to self administer a rapid antigen COVID test.  So when we returned from breakfast, Han, our wonderful room steward and his assistant were in the hallway with supplies on a tray to go into our room to conduct a test.  We conscientiously conducted the test (Q tip in each nostril, swirling 5 times) then put the swab into the solution, before extracting 3 drops for the test tray.  In this case, we waited 10 minutes. And we are pleased to report we are negative!
Our instructions were if you were negative,you are to bring the test out to the room steward, show him/her and then you were free to leave.  If you and or anybody in your stateroom was positive, you were instructed to remain in your stateroom and await advice from the medical office.  Everybody managed by our room steward was negative!
J then went out to do La Hit (low and high intensity training - his word!) on the Promenade deck , interspered with a walking lap.  I went to the mainstage to hear Kanoia give a lecture about Hawaii.  Always informative!
After lunch in the dining room we received a call from Christine at Guest services advising us she had a verandah room for us.  She worked very hard to get one central so that we don’t have too much motion in rough weather!  J went and played bridge in the afternoon and I had a little nap (must have been the laps I completed on the Promenade deck after lunch!).  Once J returned from bridge, we packed up our room in about 30 minutes, knowing that our wonderful room steward Han would load hangers onto his cart and we could make the move in short order.
Today is Sunday, so we went to mass at 5 pm.  Father Paul Parker has been retained by Holland America to provide Catholic services onboard for the next 45 days.  Father Parker says that about 85% of HAL’s voyages have a priest onboard.  Father Parker is from the US so there are suttle differences from us, but there is much familiarity with the service.
After dinner, we moved to our new abode!  We are on the fifth floor on the port side, nice and central!  As soon as we arrived our new room steward came to introduce himself - and I believe we will be in good hands once again!

Tomorrow we dock in San Diego.  Evidently 600 people will disembark and 1000 will board.  We are allowed to get off and stretch our legs and return without too much issue, so I think we will do that!
Life is good and we are blessed!

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