Friday 28 October 2022

Day 31 At Sea

Little to report today!  We had to hand over our passports to the ship’s officers to be kept from now until November 10th.  This is how they are handling immigration in French Polynesia.  J reported they gave him a receipt when he handed over our passports!  We trust they will keep them safe!
I tried the “Permission to Dance” Class this morning.  If J and I were ever on the Amazing Race, I always thought I had to be the one to take on any dance challenges.  After this morning’s class, I am less confident in my ability to pick up on choreography and successfully execute such a challenge!!  It was fun exercise just the same.
Lunch in the Lido was crowded.  J went to bridge this afternoon.  I went to hear the pianist play at Lincoln Centre Stage, then did a few other things.
The most interesting thing to report is that today we are crossing the International Date Line…so tomorrow will also be Saturday, October 29th!  How crazy is that?  The double day was messing up reservations at the Italian dining room, Canaletto.  So I went in person to ask for a reservation for Saturday, October 29th and they asked me “Today or tomorrow"? When I said tomorrow, they manually wrote down my name to ensure we have a table reserved!
Tonight on the MainStage we will go to see the documentary “Waikiki in the Wake of Dreams” - another historical gem Kainoa has found for us about Hawaii!  Though we are enjoying travelling in the South Pacific - it is not blue sky and sunny!  We have had gray skies and a fair bit of drizzle since we left Hawaii.  So we will see if the forecast changes!

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