Sunday 16 October 2022

Day 19 At Sea

So after I closed off my blog last night, we received a phone call from the front desk offering us another verandah room on the starboard side of the hip, fairly central but a bit further back.  We thanked them for the offer and said we were too tired to move at that time, so we would stay in our room and make the decision in the morning.
Following the suggestion of our room steward, I slept with ear plugs and heard less banging as a result, however J did not and he was awakened by the banging at 5 am and couldn’t get back to sleep. So we both decided to accept the offer of the new room being offered, but would move a bit later in the morning.  
We went for breakfast on the Lido deck then to church at 8 am (because it is Sunday!)  After that we checked in with Guest Services and  told them we would like to accept the offer of the new room, so they made new keys for us.  We returned to our room and packed up all our belongings and began shuttling them on the same floor, to the opposite side of the ship (where no banging sounds were heard!)  We said farewell to our old room stewards (Made and Alan), gave them a tip and met our new room stewards who seem just as obliging!  The move took about an hour and we now have everything put in its place in our new room!  J is pleased because this time - he gets more space on his side of the bed with the desk and sitting area right next to where he sleeps!
I then headed to the mainstage to hear Kainoa speak about animals of Hawaii and French Polynesia, followed by Ian who gave a presentation on whales - mostely orcas and humpbacks. J joined me for the latter presentation.
I then stood in line for lunch (about 15 minutes in advance of the dining room opening) and found I was probably tenth in line.  They open the dining room 5 minutes early!  That is how it is so full when we arrive about 5 minutes after noon!  We got an amazing back window table for two where we enjoyed cobb salad with salmon as well as a ricotta stuffed pasta!
J went to his usual bridge this afternoon while I went to hear the Quartet perform on Lincoln Centre Stage before a walk on the promenade!
Tonight was a Gala night so we got dressed in our finest and enjoyed surf and turf!  The lobster was cooked perfectly! 
 After supper I headed to the MainStage where Hyperion Knight, a pianist performed.  His show was so much more than piano - there were visuals projected on screens behind him and appropriate storytelling to go along with the songs from Gershwin to Bohemian Rhapsody!  
 Tomorrow we cross the International Date Line so we skip Monday, October 17th on our schedule entirely!  So we will see what Day 19 holds for us at Sea!


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