Monday 22 January 2018

Day 6 - at Sea

Well today is about food and relaxing! P and JG slept later than J and I so we went for breakfast in the dining room. I learned a 5 minute soft boiled egg is too runny for my liking!

The boys were awake and P didn’t realize the time on your phone doesn’t match the ship’s time!  9:38 is really 10:38 and Animal Plant trivia starts at 10:45! P and JG were willing to skip breakfast for trivia. We scored a 16 out of 20 but the winners scored 16. We should have known a group of ferrets was a Business of Ferretts!  Who doesn’t know that?

Lunch in the dining room was delicious. I started off with mussels and chose a Cobb salad as my main. After tasting P and J’s chicken korma AND learning it was gluten and dairy free, I ordered one of those too!

Who knew that the laundromat (found on each deck) , would be so busy on a see day!  I had to go to a different floor to find an available machine. This was the first time my Ocean medallion worked - to charge my room in purchasing a token for the washer and dryer ($3 each and laundry soap was $1.50). And now I wait , but I will be joining my family for trivia at 3:30 pm. 

So trivia was well attended and tough. Once again we were two points behind the winners. I sought out the adult terrace pool for a hot tub before supper. Took me a long time to find it but finally found it on deck 16 at the very front by the Sanctuary. Had no idea of the time so returned to the room just 5 minutes before dinner. Yikes!

Dinner was a salad and a disappointing beef medallion. Mine was cooked Medium well and J’s was rare. His were  about three times as thick as mine and much better tasting.  Grapefruit sorbet for dessert for me while everybody else had Curtis Stone’s chocolate creation.   We did meet the folks seated at the table next to ours. Very nice family from Canads with two daughters about the same ages as our boys. Princess clearly made an effort in the seating plan. 

J and I went to the production show “Uptown” - great singers and dancers. 

All packs for our morning excursion to St Thomas. Looking forward to it!

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