Monday 22 January 2018

(Backup) Day 14 - Return trip Home

We appreciated moving clocks back one hour so 6:30 felt like 7:30 this morning. For disembarkation day, the dining room opens for breakfast at 6:30 am (and the Lido buffet opens at 5:30 am). So we were seated in the dining room before 7 am for one final breakfast. The staff work so hard to keep us attended to in every way possible. I will miss the great food prepared for me and dishes cleaned up by somebody else. I will. Is Mahdi cleaning my bathroom twice a day and making my bed!  Cruising is such a privilege and such a vacation from ordinary life, never mind the exotic ports you get to visit. 

JG said his favourite Port was Bonaire (where we had two amazing drift snorkels). P said his favourite was a toss up between Princess Cays (beach and snorkelling) and Grenada (tubing down the river). I liked the variety of activities we did at all the ports. 

Having two balcony rooms side by side was really fun because the boys are old enough to appreciate the views and watch as we pulled in and out of port to dock. 

We walked off the ship carrying all our own luggage. P bravely carried my 48 pound suitcase down the 6 flights of stairs as elevators were backed up with lots of passengers. We walked to Symphony Dining room on 5 were told we could immediately walk off (though we were assigned 8:15 am and we arrived at 8 am). We scanned out of the ship and were directed to a customs officer where we were the front of the line.   J had to give up his orange, and then we walked out to get a taxi. We immediately loaded into a taxi van. The metered fare to the airport was $14.10. John gave him a $20 bill and we were at the aiport, checked in to our United flight and going through security by 8:45 am. Plenty of time before our flight at noon. 

The FLL airport just got busier and busier as the morning went on. Our flight was full and they had to take on extra fuel for the plane. Once connecting in Houston we charged up devices and ate a mid afternoon meal. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda-
    Just read your blog posts for your cruise and had the best time imagining you and your lovely family doing all the things you described. Hope you are all well and settled in back at home. We are in Hawaii for another two weeks and then we have to return to reality ourselves. Stay in touch!
