Monday 22 January 2018

Day 11 - Curaçao

Today was a beautiful, sunny, hot day in Curaçao. We had no formal organized excursion planned but J had put in some effort in planning a walking tour for us to explore the town of Willemstad. The city (also the capital) is a UNESCO World Heritage site, offering a look at the past while celebrating all the island offers today.   The people of the Netherlands established the trading port of Curaçao in 1634. 

Lots of pastel coloured buildings can be found in Curaçao, making it look festive and friendly. We walked across the floating Queen Emma bridge, which also functions as a sideways draw bridge so boats can pass through. We explored the many sights J had researched and printed up two walking tours. We read about the history as we walked and backtracked along and shopped. Today the boys wanted to spend their Christmas gift money and they each bought some souvenirs. JG is old enough now that some of the souvenirs were the alcoholic kind bearing the name of the country we visited today!

We returned to the ship for lunch in th buffet overlooking the beautiful port. J set off to do a second walking tour of a residential area, the boys wanted to stay on the ship and I didn’t feel comfortable taking a taxi to a beach on my own. Curaçao is a safe place, I just didn’t think it was prudent for a woman to travel alone unescorted off the ship. So I went for a swim on deck 16. 

They have done a smart design of the pool on th Regal. A person can walk all around the poo in water ankle deep to cool off if they wish or sit on the edge of the pool, or choose to jump in the centre that has a depth of 7 feet. A lovely refreshing way to cool off!

I did make a trip back to Cariloha- the bamboo store to buy a pair of grey shorts on sale. Once back on the ship, the four of us went up to the Lido Deck to play a a few card games and have a drink. We got so abdorb d in our care game we were nearly late for dinner. We had a lovely conversation with the family from Thunder Bay. Evidently on their snorkelling tour, a woman was nearly left behind. Crazy that the leaders or perhaps the husband of the woman involved weren’t on a closer look out for the well being of each other. The woman wasn’t able to keep up with the group so swam ashore then scrambled her way across the island back to the boat -⎌through cacti and the like. Yikes!  

After supper J and I went to hear the musical comedian, John Bressler. Twice before, he has been nominated for Princess cruises entertainer of the year. He was talented on the piano - but not so much a comedian!

We returned to our room to watch another movie!  Two more days at sea before our wonderful cruise comes to an end!

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