Monday 22 January 2018

Day 10 - Bonaire

How wonderful to arrive in Bonaire at noon today!  The four of us enjoyed a lovely breakfast in the dining room. By not arriving until 8:45 to eat we saw just how busy the dining room can be for breakfast!  I had mush usual oatmeal because I know it is gluten and dairy free!  Today I added cinnamon apple slices from the compote section of the menu. 

We participated in trivia with Alex at 10 am and felt proud with our 16 out of 20 score, even though it wasn’t the winning score!  By 11 am we were seeing some sights pulling in to Bonaire. At noon, we were docked and disembarking. Just to test it out, J tried to disembark with his Ocean  Medallion and was told to go back to the room to get his cruise card. Guess they have more than a few kinks to work out of the system before this technology willbe released fleetwide!

Today’s excursion is a familiar one to us - we went snorkelling with Woodwind Bonaire , a private tour company that we used in 2012 and I used in 2017. We went out on a catamaran cruise and had two drift snorkels along Klein Bonaire. Klein Bonaire is a marine formation, an island really, that is protected by national and international law. Beautiful coral attracts a wide variety of fish. The island is known for nesting green turtles. 

Once aboard the catamaran, we were divided into three groups of compatible abilities and paired up with a guide. Our family of four was paired up with another family of 5 under the direction of Chanel, our guide. We were the first group in the water and soon had Chanel pointing out various species of fish that were noteworthy. We saw angel fish, barracuda, schoolmasters, parrot fish, flatfish, a few huge porcupine fish, trumpetfish and Green turtles!  JG would frequently free dive 25 feet or so to get a closer look at something and take a picture, including some scuba divers at one point!

After the two drift snorkels (each about 45 minutes long), we were offered a variety of non alcoholic and some alcoholic drinks and a hot stir fry meal followed by dessert!  What a great excursion and fairly priced at $65 per person. We met at 12:20 and were getting off the boat at 5 pm. 

I managed to stop at a shop called Elements that makes glass jewellery here in Bonaire. With only 10 minutes to shop I chose a necklace and earrings that I used Mom’s Christmas money to purchase. Thank you Mom!  I wore the necklace and earrings with a dress for tonight’s dinner!

The sun is particularly hot here. We are very near Venezuela. JG got a bit of a burn on his arms and P got a bit of burn on his neck. This despite sunscreen and wearing SPF shirts. I put on 45 SPFand had a long sleeve shirt on and think I faired okay. 

I enjoyed tonight’s production show Born to Dance with lots of hit Broadway songs to go with the dancing!  I ran out of energy climbing the four flights of stairs after watching the show so I definitely couldn’t participate in it!
The rest of the family participated in a Disney trivia contest and did okay without me. 

While they all the others want to head to bed, I want to watch another movie called Battle of the Sexes with Emma Stone. It has been an absolutely stellar day. We are so blessed!

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