Tuesday 9 April 2019

Day 8 Caracalla Baths in Rome

I awoke nearly 11 hours after I fell asleep!  As LC had returned to Canada and  I had not replied to any of her texts she was worried about her little sister all by herself in Rome!  It was just that I was finally catching up on some overdue sleep!

For my final day in Rome, I planned to visit Eataly to get lunch, dinner and breakfast food before heading to the Caracalla Baths. 

I chose to walk to the Caracalla Baths - had I not got lost, the walk would have taken 20 minutes, but it took about 30 minutes for me!   But it was a glorious, sunny day so I didn’t mind the additional exploration. 

The Baths of Caracalla were the second largest Baths in Rome and built in 212-217 A. D.  I was shocked that they weren’t the largest Baths, because they were huge!  They were used for about 300 years before they were no longer used. 

I SO wish I could have rented a set of 3D goggles that showed you what the baths were like in ancient times!  Unfortunately, they had a large number of school groups that had rented them all out!  I can imagine what they were like!  The Romans really valued water and its availability for all - even the poor. 

My walk home was direct and most enjoyable without a coat!  The temperature hit 18 C today. 

I enjoyed a meal of pasta and salad, cooked in the apartment. Had to pack up all my belongings, including nesting my old suitcase inside a new one I bought here in Rome. 

I am feeling very organized for my flight home tomorrow!

It has been a wonderful vacation!!

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