Friday 5 April 2019

Day 4 Venice

Visiting Europe is not for the weary!  Somehow I managed only to sleep about 3.5 hours last night so the 5 am alarm was very early!  LC and I took a taxi to Termini station from our apartment to catch our 6:50 am train. We arrived at the train station in plenty of time. Once aboard our train, we started to enjoy a bit of the landscape, but that hurriedly was covered up by fog. 

Our 3.5 hour trip to Venice allowed me to catch up on a few missed hours of sleep. When we first arrived in Venice - it was still raining - but the rain quickly dissipated. 

We stood in line to catch a vaporetto- a water taxi - but LC was worried that we would take too long to get over to St Mark’s Square - where we had a noon tour booked to see St Mark’s Basilica. LC thought 10 minutes in line to buy a ticket then 20 minutes for the Vaporetto ride was more time than it would take to walk. It turns out that walking took 45 minutes to navigate the streets of Venice up and over canals to get to St Mark’s Squarr at 12 noon on the dot!!

We were the last two people in our group prepared with an audio device to hear our English guide tell us all the details of the Basilica. No pictures are allowed inside - so here is a view from outside. The Gospel author, Mark, has his bones interred in here. 

We had downsized to one small carry-on piece of luggage on wheels together and we were ready to drop that off at our hotel!  We found Hotel Rosa Salva after a few missed turns and were delighted with our room!

But we had no time to waste, we had to grab a bite to eat and get to an appointed stop to go for our half hour gondola ride. Our gondolier, Augustina took us passed The home where Mozart lived in 1771. 

Mozart’s house in 1771. 

A view on the Grand Canal. 

We couldn’t resist the sunshine and the quintet’s playing in St Mark’s Square - but the 15€ cup of tea put us off being a paying customer!!  But we sure enjoyed the music!!

Italy has beautiful leather goods so shopping was fun. 

After our best meal in Italy (supper at Trattoria Alla Scala where I had goranzola Gnocchi) we were happy to retire to our room. We registered 16,000 steps and 11.8 km of walking. 

Life is good!

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