Thursday 4 April 2019

Day 2 Rome Walking Tour

Day 2 has come to a close and I am fighting to keep my eyes awake at 10 pm!!

After waking up super early and being in line for breakfast at 7 am, we quelled our hunger then went back for a sleep until 9:30 am. That allowed me to have a total of 6.5 hours of sleep in the night. Tack on 14 km of walking and 13,500 steps and it was a full day of exploring the city centre of Rome. 

We had pre-arranged a half day walking tour with Roma Tours. Lorie came and met us at our hotel and took us by private car to Vatican City. The car left us to begin our private walking tour and we were happily surprised to learn the Pope was having an audience. That meant security was preventing us from entering St Peter’s Square!  But I got a picture of Pope Francis!!

Must finish in the morning as I fall asleep while typing this!  

Carrying on filling in the details the following morning now!!  So the day was filled with a full walking tour where we visited Vatican City. I must go back and visit to see the Vatican Museums (and I will try to do that Monday or Tuesday after LC flies home a few days before me). 

We visited the Pantheon - the largest dome in the world for about 2,000 years!  What a magnificent building!  It was built in 25 BC. 

We walked to the Trevi Fountain and ended at the Vicoria Emmanuel II Monument - spectacular!!

This picture is LC and I and our guide Lorieand the Vicorie Emmanuel monument in the background. 

By the end of the walking tour we had plenty of hunger and thirst, so we grabbed a plate of pasta at a nearby cafe. 

Our cousin Hazel lives in Rome - so she took a taxi to our hotel to join us. We had tea, then called a cab to drive us to more sites, including the view from Garibaldi’s Monument. 

We then went for dinner at a Sicilian restaurant that evening. Italians eat late - our reservation was for 7:30 pm and we were the first ones in the restaurant. We returned to the hotel from dinner about 10 pm and fell promptly asleep!!

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