Saturday 7 December 2013

Half Moon Cay, Bahamas

So we were successful in securing a tender in to Half Moon Cay!  It is never a guarantee even though this private Bahamian island, owned by the cruise line, is on the itinerary. If conditions are rough they can just bypass the island. Mom, LC and I were on the first tender over here around 8:30 am. Last tender back to the ship is at 2:30. Six precious hours!

The sand is beautifully smooth and white and the ocean is turquoise. 

Mom walking back towards our clam shell. 

The clam shell provides a bit of shade and a place to put our belongings.

The clam shell proved not only to provide shade from the sun, but shelter from the rain. About two hours after we arrived a heavy shower lasted for about 10 minutes. LC was in the clam shell and I was just returning so we scrambled and got all our belongings under cover. Mom stayed dry while shopping in the gift shop. 

After the rain the clouds moved along and cleared way for the blue sky. Mom went for a swim and LC and I went for he island BBQ lunch. We were hungry as we had eaten breakfast in the room at 6:15 am. 

After lunch I went for a snorkel. Half Moon Cay has beautiful white sand beach that is silky smooth under your feet, but fairly limited snorkelling choices. I  saw lots of Sargeant Majors and a white fish that swam along the ocean floor and camouflaged itself in the ocean floor whenever I cast a shadow on it - like a great blue whale lurking above! My most exciting find was a barracuda!  A fellow snorkeller pointed him out for me!

Mom and LC had had enough heat by 1 pm and took a tender back to the ship. I stayed until 2:10 when I caught te second last tender back. 

So the sign outside the beachside bar about sums it up - "I wish I could stay here forever".  But life back in Canada beckons and we have families who we love and miss. (Though we very much appreciate having missed the -25 C weather and foot of snow this week).   I am pretty sure are suitcases are much closer to the 50 pound limit for the return flight!  (My Puerto Rican cowboy boots didn't help matters!)

We did enjoy dinner at the Pinnacle but I thought the Tamarind was better value for an extra pay meal. 

Tomorrow is just a matter of disembarking and flying home. We are flying through Houston and Dallas received snow today so we will see if our flights are impacted!

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