Monday 2 December 2013


Mom and LC and I took a cab to Ross this morning. Mom was on the hunt for pyjamas as she forgot hers back under her pillow in my guest room. I was shopping for a bathing suit and dresses, because they are so reasonably priced in the States. I had no luck in the bathing suit department but found 3 dresses for about $25 each!

We returned to the Marriott Harbor Beach Resort to check out of our room and await our shuttle to the ship. Loved the hotel but would have appreciated a queen sized bed. Sleeping with my sister in a double bed took me back about four decades to my childhood days!  The bed seemed quite a bit bigger in those days!

Lineups to get on board the ship seemed almost non-existent at noon when we boarded. We were thrilled with the size of our room. Right across the hall is the Neptune lounge where they have a concierge available for any of our questions and a constant supply of hors doeuvres and desserts and a cup of hot tea always at the ready!

We have enjoyed two delicious meals on the ship and are now awaiting a "Meet the Captain" evening and I can hardly keep my eyes open!  That must have something to do with waking up at 4 am MST and being on the move today!

My sister decided to have a shower and let out a shriek when she discovered just how much water leaked out of the shower. I went and asked Riyo, our cabin steward for some more towels to mop up the excess water. As LC is showered and in pyjamas laying on her bed, I am pretty sure it will be just Mom and I at the 9:30 production show of "Listen to the Music"!

Below is a picture of the Hydrotherapy pool. That is as close as I'll get to being in the pool as it is an extra charge to use it!

Mom just said she doesn't quite know if she will last until 9:30.  We'll see how heavy our eyelids become!

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