Monday 2 December 2013

Day at Sea

This morning LC woke up at 6:50 and headed to the Lido buffet to pick up coffee and a bran muffin for herself. She stopped in at the Neptune lounge to pick up a coffee and bran flakes for Mom. Once Mom saw the fruit parfaits she mentioned to us that is what she'd like us to bring to her for breakfast tomorrow!  

LC and I went to the pinnacle for breakfast and enjoyed eggs Benedict !

For fun, the three of us went to a floral arranging class. Iwan did the demonstrating and Samantha did the talking. This is the workshop in progress. 

J had told me to buy some flowers for the stateroom if I wanted (wonderful husband that he is)! So I asked Iwan if I could buy the bouquet he had just created and he said yes. So the bouquet was delivered to our room this afternoon!

We had table 131 assigned to us for lunch and we had a great view out the back of the ship !

I always try to avoid the buffet and choose meals in the dining room as they offer sensible size portions (contrary to what somehow ends up loaded on my plate at the buffet). Mom ordered 3 courses off the dining room menu and then shook her head when each course arrived because she just wanted a "Taste!"  We decided that Mom should go to the buffet so she'll choose just a little spoonful of everything she wants to try !

We raced to trivia time before dessert was even offered. After getting a whopping 5 out of 15 we decided we need to sit within earshot of a smart looking group next time!   Can you believe the farm girl didn't know how many acres were in a mile?

Mom wanted to play "Name that tune" so I planted her at the Lidi Seaview pool so she could fend fend for herself. A young whippersnapper ( say 50 or so) took pity on Mom and gave her some of the answers to augment her solid score of 2 out of 15.  Thanks, but I had enough humiliation after the trivia game to want to offer Mom support with guessing song names too!

Tonight was formal night so we dressed in our finest. I really enjoyed the chocolate soufflé for dessert!

We tucked Mom into bed and LC and I went to the Avalon Orchestra to enjoy the entertainment.  

We have an early arrival in the port of Turks and Caicos tomorrow morning so we'll call it a night. 

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