Tuesday 3 December 2013

Grand Turk

This morning we docked at Grand Turk in the Turks and Caicos at 8 am. Our first port - woohoo !

We walked across the hall to the Neptune lounge to grab some breakfast. I had lots of fresh fruit, cottage cheese, muesli and some tea and ate it on our deck. Mom, LC and I walked off the ship between our ship and the Carnival Breeze that had arrived at port ahead of us. As we were walking off the dock I new the developed party zone of Margueritaville was on the left so we veered right. We promptly found 3 lounge chairs on the beach facing the water underneathe some palm trees. Heaven!  We met somebody from Sherwood Park today who has been on the Eurodam for the last cruise and they had poor weather. She said this was her first time floating in the ocean after 10 days in the Caribbean!  I hope this beautiful weather holds!

Mom and LC were content to sit in the chairs and watch the world go by. I grabbed my snorkel and mask and went in the water on the far side of the dock. I promptly saw a variety of fish so knew there was hope for some worthwhile snorkelling. I ended up seeing the blue Dory fish from Finding Nemo and the colourful clown fish. Beautiful warm water. 

When I returned to the chairs Mom was content to sit and enjoy the view while Laurie and I shopped in the local shops. There was nothing we had to have!  When we returned to the chairs again Mom was keen to go for a swim.  I helped her get into the water because the surf was pretty strong and could knock you over. We floated for about 30 minutes and then ventured back to shore. 

Our stomachs told us it was time to head back to the ship for lunch. 

After lunch on the Lido deck, Mom had a nap and LC and I went back on shore.  I walked to the far point of the island to see the less commercial parts of Grand Turk. I picked up a conch shell that was a bit banged up, but worth keeping. The Carnival ship departed while we were ashore ( and the all aboard blast signals made Laurie nervous we were going to miss our all aboard call at 2:30.  This was my view of the ship from the tip of the island!

 I like this picture of LC with the Eurodam in the background. 

Trivia wasn't quite as painful today with a score of 7 out of 15. I could have used my science prone husband and daughter for the chemistry question !

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