Thursday 3 January 2013

St Thomas Evening

Upon returning to the ship I raced to have a shower and grab some lunch so I could turn around a shop in St Thomas. Many people shop for jewellery here - I was on the hunt for linen!

I grabbed a communal cab downtown and each person paid $4.
I saw the boardwalk I could have walked, was only 1.6 km.

I went straight to Mr. Tablecloth on Main Street and found a few good choices for my dining room table. I made a point of bypassing all the jewellery stores! J later told me he looked at tanzanite rings because I had said I liked the stone; the choices ranged from $3300 to $4400 and that wasn't going to happen in our house !

We worked on our scrap heap challenge ship to compete in the Neptune Pool tomorrow. The goal is to build a boat out of scraps that will float at least 6 beer successfully! Flotation we have covered, the beauty of the boat might be improved upon.

After dinner the Captain made an announcement that there was a medical emergency on board and we needed to return to St. Thomas. That isn't good news for somebody.

We are currently dockside with an ambulance standing by with lights flashing. The Captain just paged Charles Cook from Aloha 211 to proceed to the medical centre immediately. As J said, the spouse is probably back in room packing all their belongings for departure. Total time looking out our balcony as we pulled up to the dock until the ambulance pulled away was 13 minutes. A second ambulance has now arrived. We'll say a little prayer tonight for somebody's vacation who ended on such a somber note.

Photo 1: Ambulance moving close to the ship.

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