Friday 4 January 2013

Sea Day - Day 21

Our final day at sea! I love sea days - there is always so much to do! In the morning J and I went to a culinary demonstration in the princess Theatre where Chef Giuseppe made a pesto pasta dish, scallops and tiramisu. We then got to walk through the kitchen (because, hooray, they lifted the norovirus code red)!
It was impressively clean and stainless throughout! Do you know they use 6,000 eggs on this ship every single day? Where do they store thousands of eggs for a 10 day cruise? Mind boggling!

We went to lunch in the dining room but I just visited while everybody else ate; I was still full from my omelette at breakfast. I caught the 12:45 line dancing class. Then I hung out by the pool and saw the men's sexy leg contest.
Lots of fun and laughter!

We then had the scrap ship builder's competition which we proudly had an entry. Proud that is, until it couldn't balance the cargo load of six cans of pop and sank like the Titanic. The winner had this tyrannosaur of ships! The family of 10 that won, is seated next to us in the Da Vinci dining room and has Cesar as their waiter too. Defeated, the kids returned to their room and I went for a swim! It was a fun project just the same!

I found P relaxing in the kids room and asked if he wanted to Ho decorate a cookie in the Piazza, where they has some kids activities going on. He was up like a
flash and by my side. After assembling a sad looking gingerbread man and star, we stopped at the International Cafe. I had a couple of salads and P had the delicious chocolate pudding.

We reassembled as a family in Club Fusion for 4:30 trivia. Questions with Heidi were tough again and the winning team only had 15 out of 20 ( we received 12 so I guess that was respectable enough!)

At supper, our Head Waiter, Rui, provided us with an update on the woman taken off by ambulance in St Thomas. Evidently she had a heart attack on the ship and is now doing fine in the hospital. She is only in her 50's and was travelling with an extended family onboard. That is good news.

I kept hoping to cross paths with my blog mentor, J, onboard this cruise and just never seemed to run into her like I did routinely on our first cruise. I left a sticky note on her stateroom door to catch up with her. Of course, because I left the note, J and I did coincidentally meet up with her and her husband, G today while at the Princess Theatre tonight for the upbeat performance by the Emerald Singers and Dancers of "I got the Music!". She (the woman who taught me everything I know about writing a blog!) has been suffering from what the doctor believes is an infected tooth. She is scheduled to see a dentist in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday as they are in transit passengers and will be staying on the ship for a few more months! So many complications with medical issues when not on terre firme! I do hope she gets the issue resolved in one dentist visit!

Tomorrow is our last stop, Princess Cays, so we will savour this last day of sun!

Photo 1: The Tyrannosaur of ships that won!

Photo 2: Our ship entry

Photo 3: One of the food carvings on display in the kitchen !

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