Saturday 5 January 2013

Princess Cays - Day 22

What a beautiful final day in the Caribbean! Lovely warm air temperature (31 C I believe) and blue sky as far as the eye could see. Because we had been to Princess Cays on the last cruise, we knew what to expect and how light to pack our day bag!

After breakfast we went back to our staterooms to pack. We needed to keep out clothes for today at the beach, tonight at dinner and tomorrow for the flight home. Luggage is to be put out in the hallway before dinner tonight to prepare for disembarkation tomorrow morning.

We caught a tender over to Princess Cays about 10:30 in the morning. We all snorkelled before lunch.  JG & P decided they wanted to return to the ship so we saw them safely get on board a tender to return to the ship. J & I found a different snorkelling area at the far end of the beach. I left J and went to the main swimming area of the beach to snorkel at the end of the dock. Because many people feed the fish there, I saw a selection of larger fish.

I went to the buffet lunch at 1:40 and learned the buffet lunch on the island is served from 11:30 -1:30. Last time we were under norovirus restrictions so the staff had to serve our food in the buffet lines. Consequently there were long line ups and they kept the food stations open until the last tender departed.

I decided to go out of the gated area and shop at the local craft market. I bought a bracelet and a Bahamas Tshirt - both very traditional souvenirs!

J and I returned to the ship before 2:30 - the last tender was to be at 3:15. We went to our final trivia today with Lexi and the unthinkable happened - we scored a perfect 20! What a great way to end our trip! We were tied with 3 other teams for top spot so they asked a tiebreaker question. Do you know how many miles of blood vessels are in the human body? A shocking 62,000! We didn't guess the closest number (without going over, like on the Price Is Right!) so we didn't technically win but we felt the game was fun!

We had a lovely last supper with Cesar and Victor and said farewell. J and I went to an unremarkable closing show with an illusionist and comedian. I successfully printed our boarding passes in only 13 minutes tonight! And it seems I didn't have to pay for luggage on our return trip - hooray! ( I wonder if my travel agent from Coop Travel pulled some strings to make that happen?)

It has been a wonderful Caribbean cruise - I will be very sad to say goodbye.

Photo 1: Mileage sign

Photo 2: My final view as our tender pulled away from our last stop on this cruise.

Photo 3: J, JG P on Princess Cays

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