Thursday 3 January 2013

St Thomas Day 20

Our dream vacation is coming to an end with our second visit to St Thomas. After today we have one more day at sea and Princess Cays as the final port before Fort Lauderdale to disembark.

Today we joined the ship's excursion to kayak, hike and snorkel at Cas Cay Mangrove Lagoon, St James & Compass Pt marine Reserve & Wildlife Sanctuary.

We began by taking an open air jeep to our sanctuary. Jason, Wes, Lauralee and Zulu guided our group of 25 from the ship. JG and I climbed into a double sit on top style kayak. We paddled for about 40 minutes and learned about the mangrove tree. It sacrifices one yellow leaf where it directs all the salt so the tree can survive in brackish water.

Upon arriving at the sanctuary we went on land and had hermit crab races. We then walked out to the Caribbean Sea where we had some great photo opportunities on the rocks. After walking back to the kayaks we donned our masks and snorkels. No fins though, the guides didn't want us damaging the protected zone as we were snorkelling in about 3 feet of water.

We saw sand divers, spotted eagle ray, parrot fish, trumpet fish, barracuda, sea urchin and more! It was neat to see the roots of the mangrove tree up close too.

I then partnered up with P for the paddle back. Glad that most of the rain fell while on the shuttle to the start so we were warm for the kayak, hike and snorkel!

Photo 1: P in kayak

Photo 2: JG in kayak

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