Wednesday 9 August 2023

Day 21 Rome, Italy

For the first time since we got off the ship - we had a relaxing pace in the morning. Today we had tickets to the Colosseum at 4:15 pm. That meant we had free time during the morning and early afternoon to focus on last minute details. 

So DG went and purchased a piece of luggage to make her trip home easier. JP went to look at a bag one more time - and decided she didn’t need it. ME and I packed our bags to ensure everything fit!!!

When ME and JP returned it was their turn to pack. I then went to pick up one last item at a shop two blocks away. DG bought a little purse and the shopping was done!  And we were packed. 

So we decided to check in for flights between 1:30 and 2:30 pm and by 2:45 pm we were walking to a nearby taxi stand to get a taxi to take us to the Colosseum. We were happy he charged by the meter and it cost 9.8€ (I tipped him a 5 € to encourage him to keep doing the right thing and charging properly, not gouging tourists. 

We learned that we could not enter the ruin until 4 pm so we walked around the building outside and decided to go for a gelato. 

We then returned to our designated entrance and walked inside the Colosseum!!  We had full access tickets so that allowed us entrance to the lower floor (not the absolute lowest - those required a certain type of a guided tour). 

DG put her selfie stick to good use!

Our Colosseum view with myself, DG, ME and JP. Still smiling and having fun!!!

View of the Colosseum from outside!

We then went to the Forum and learned it was a good thing we entered just after 6 pm as the last entry was by 6:15 pm. We had until 7:15 pm to view the area. 

Roman Forum

A bride and groom were posing for photos in front of the Colosseum as we were heading to supper at Naomachia Ristorante. 

We had a wonderful Last Supper in Rome!

Dinner with our fabulous server Claudio!

And we had a view of the sun setting behind the Colosseum as we sat and ate supper!

Setting sun behind the Colosseum - DG deserves the photo credit. 

We then caught a taxi and paid by the meter back to our hotel. What a fabulous last night in Rome. 

Tomorrow we catch flights back to Canada. Sniff. But we have been so blessed to spend this time together as friends who live across the country from one another!!

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