Tuesday 8 August 2023

Day 20 Rome, Italy

Today was our Vatican museum tour day. We felt privileged to bypass the incredibly long line of people looking to buy tickets at 7:30 am. We had purchased tickets with a Vatican Museums guided tour. Our tour meeting time was the earliest it could be - 7:45 AM for an 8 AM tour. 

Our guide, Maria, with a lilting Italian accent, was an archeologist. She gave lots of details about what to expect when we got into the Sistine Chapel - two hours later. So much history here. Unfortunately I wasn’t feeling well today to take it all in so it felt like a very long morning. 

People are not allowed to take photos (or talk) when in the Sistine Chapel so there are no photos of that. 

After we exited the Sistine Chapel we went it St Peter’s Basilica which is stunning. We had planned to spend an hour but spent more like two there. 

The other three were keen to keep sightseeing and I needed to go back to the apartment to rest - I just wasn’t feeling well. I experienced the taxi drivers in full force taking advantage of tourists when I tried to catch a ride home from the Vatican. Our taxi to the Vatican cost less than 8€. The first taxi I hopped in after leaving the Vatican didn’t have a meter running and he said it would cost 27. I said no and got out of the car. 

I walked several blocks and found another taxi stand where a driver told me it would cost 25€. When I asked why he said “Vatican City”    So I spent close to an hour walking home. 

But I got this view walking over the Tiber River in Rome!

Then I ate lunch and laid down for a bit. The others returned home around 3:30 pm. 

ME and I went to do a bit of leather shopping nearby. Around 6:30 pm we all walked to a restaurant recommended by a friend of JP - it was situated a few blocks beyond the Trevi Fountain. 

Dinner was tasty. We again came across less than ethical taxi drivers - this time wanting to charge us 24 € and then the next one wanted to charge us 38€ to drive us home. We declined and walked again. Finding drivers who actually charge by the meter is really difficult in Rome!  

Tomorrow is our last full day in Rome before we fly home the following day. 

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