Saturday 5 August 2023

Day 16 Livorno, Italy

Livorno is the closest cruise port to Florence and that was our destination today. We booked transportation to Florence with Princess and that made the logistics of getting to and from Florence simple. It still was a full day with 14,000 steps involved but it was thrilling to see Florence. 

We met in the Princess Theatre for our excursion and were on bus #1 (of five) to Florence by 8:15 am. The drive to Florence was really stunning once you left the mostly industrial port of Livorno. 

We arrived in Florence around 10 am. We then walked about 15 minutes to a good and leather shop that would be our meeting spot. As we had tickets to the Ufizzi museum at 10:45 we didn’t stay for the “demonstration” (ie sales pitch) so our guide Laura showed us how to get to the Ufizzi. We arrived at the museum at exactly 10:45 am. 

What an incredible museum that needs far more time than we had to allocate to seeing it. There were works of Boticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci and many other masters. 

The Birth of Venus by Boticelli was painted in 1485. 

The upper floor is stunning with all kinds of sculptures to view and many tourists like us wanting to see them!

We had to make the decision to leave before we saw the lower floors of the Ufizzi because we had so little time. We left and picked up some take away food to eat as we walked to see the Pont de vecchio. 

We then had to walk about 30 minutes towards Gallerie d’academi, going past the duomo Basilica. It was amazing. 

Duomo Basilica

The point of seeing the academi is to see the real sculpture of Michealangelo’s David. We had already seen one replica on the street

A replica of David. 

The real David!

We then did some shopping in the leather market and rushed to meet our guide by 3:30 pm. 

Our drive back to the ship was uneventful and we arrived shortly after 5 pm - where it was raining in Livorno. 

We quickly changed for dinner. Kind of like the Last Supper!!

Then we had to do the dreaded task of packing our suitcases. They are now packed and we played a game of cards. Now must sign off and head to bed. 

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