Thursday 17 November 2022

Day 51 Disembarkation

Well disembarkation went relatively smoothly today. J walked off with his bags as he had to claim his scissors that were confiscated before we got on the ship!  (They were deemed too long!). I had two bags plus my wheeled carryon and backpack - so I was using the assistance of the ship to move my big pieces of luggage and thus was waiting for my colour “Grey 1” to be called. J met up with V and R off the ship and they texted me and told me to just walk off and not wait for my colour to be called!  The cruise line gives priority to their passengers in suites, on excursions, with four and five star status - so lowly travellers with early flights don’t have much hope of making it out early. 

Customs in San Diego proved to be relatively quick. I left the ship around 8:20 am and moved through customs within 30 minutes. I had to wait about 15 minutes for my luggage. 

Quite the operation to find sort luggage!

We walked outside and immediately grabbed a cab to the airport. A taxi from the pier to the airport was $20. 

We saw lots of familiar faces and friends on the flight to Vancouver - which was the starting point of this cruise for about 400 of the 1600 passengers onboard. 

We had a quick turnaround for our flight home. So now we are home - with the water turned on and furnace running. It is good to be home!!

I feel privileged, lucky…. spoiled to have been on a 50 day cruise. There is much to appreciate in life - home sweet home is one of them!!

Until next time folks!  Thanks for following along on this blog. Fifty days on a cruise ship was the longest vacation we have ever taken. We are happy and thankful to be home!

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