Friday 11 November 2022

Day 45 At Sea Remembrance Day

Well there was quite a bit of activity on the ship for a sea day. 

Today is Nov 11th - Remembrance Day in Canada or Veterans Day in the USA. So we attended the service at 10 am in the MainStage theatre. It was a lovely service. First I should say that the ship provided  poppies to in our staterooms two evenings ago - so we were able to wear a poppy. Some forward thinking Canadians had brought their own poppies from home - we knew they were Canadians when they did that. 

The service began with Blair (one of the Billboard Onboard pianists) singing and playing Abide with me. The Captain gave a few words. The Interdenominational minister read a poem and the Catholic priest led us in the Lord’s prayer. Then they had the reading of the names. That gave the opportunity for people to stand up and name aloud somebody they knew and loved who had died in service to their country. That was very personal and touching. This was followed by the poem Flander’s Fields, the Last Post and two minutes of silence. We likely would have attended an outdoor service at home - so this was a touching alternative. 

We stayed in the MainStage for the presentation of Myths and Legends about crossing the equator. We went straight to the Lido pool to join R and C for lunch. They had secured a great table for viewing the King Neptune ceremony that would take place at 2 pm. 

The King Neptune celebration is an interactive  event where crew crossing the equator for the first time meet with a judge and King Neptune and his Queen. The crew are obliged to have coloured gelatin or meringue poured on them, then the Captain and his senior officers decide whether the crew are obliged to roast in the heat or walk the plank into the pool!  It was fun entertainment for the afternoon!  We received official certificates in our stateroom saying we have received the “Order of Shellbacks” and are no longer polywogs!(people who have never crossed the equator at sea)!

After dinner I went to see Jukebox Rogues present Masters of the Musicals. The singers acknowledged it was particularly poignant to sing the song “Bring Him Home” from Les Miserables. I then enjoyed hearing a set with the double pianos in the Billboard Lounge and visited with some cruise critic friends again. 

Though internet is working sporadically, it is tough to get this blog uploaded so you likely won’t see pictures added to closer to land or later!

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