Friday 11 November 2022

Day 44 At Sea

Today marks the first of a stretch of seven days at sea - our last seven days of this, our longest ever, cruise. And I realize how lucky we are to be on this cruise when so many at home are enduring extremely cold temperatures and far too much snow for November. 

We both slept very well after our day of hiking in the heat and humidity of Nuku Hiva yesterday.  So we were up for breakfast around 8:30 am in the Lido. 

We then spent some time on my laptop trying to organize photos sourced from the waterproof camera, J’s Nikon and my cell phone. J has spent time throughout the cruise reviewing and selecting the “best of” photos for his two devices. I am trying to select favourites on my camera to air drop onto my laptop. Unfortunately the air drop process wasn’t working today. 

I should mention, J discovered the internet technician has resolved a good number of our problems -and we are able to send and receive texts and emails now. The sharing of photos or anything requiring lots of bandwidth isn’t successful. We have seen a credit on our account for 50% of the cost of the internet package to compensate for the inconsistent internet service. So we paid $375  US initially and HAL was good enough to credit our account $187.50 so that is appreciated. 

In fact, while we were without internet I wanted to reach out to our youngest son as he was flying from his University to our home for a job interview.   We had sent him an abbreviated text on C’s phone (who had service in one of the ports) telling him all what he would have to do to un-winterize the house!  Turn on the water, turn up the heat, reconnect the car battery etc. Well he got all that information but we failed to mention one thing - where the car keys were hidden!  Fortunately we had internet service for the critical 30 minutes just before we pulled out of port in Nuku Hiva when he had just arrived at the house. He texted us pictures of all the household stuff then asked us where the keys were for one of the vehicles he hoped to drive!!  Let’s just say they were hidden so well he NEVER would have found them! So I really appreciated having spent the $15 my cell phone provider charged for international service that day in port!  Fingers crossed for the job interview!!

We tried the new lunch menu in the dining room today and enjoyed it very much!

When J headed out to bridge I treated it like a work day and did some work preparing for events booked over the Christmas season. I then went to watch the movie “Downton Abbey: A New Era”. I have never watched an episode of Downton Abbey and since it is an incredibly long running series I thought it would be worth watching. And it was engaging - even for a newbie like myself!

After dinner, I watched the “International Man of Memory” and lasted about 15 minutes watching the show. I had been warned that he tried really hard to be engaging - but it just didn’t connect with me. 

Without the Billboard Onboard double pianos the casino is a very quiet place tonight!  They had a “chocolate surprise” at 9 pm - to draw people down!  We checked it out - and people lined the hallways on deck 2 - ready to pounce on waiters as they walked past with trays. We graciously waited in the Billboard Onboard lounge and saw chocolate covered almonds, raisins, cream puffs, rice crispie squares and mini cupcakes. We had a few treats but they disappeared quite quickly with the throng of people!

The really fun part of the evening was visiting with friends V and R for a couple hours after wards!

Tomorrow is Remembrance Day and there will be a special service on the MainStage to commemorate that!

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