Wednesday 9 November 2022

Day 41 Fakarava, Tuamotu

Fakarava is a long, skinny spit of land protected by an atoll.  Our temperature today was 24 C with about 94% humidity (except when it was raining and it was 100% humidity!).  We had a very organized independent excursion today where M got a group of 30 people to commit to a snorkelling expedition with Ato Lissant of Fakarava Explorer.  Our group met at 7:45 am in the Explorer’s Lounge where Lincoln Centre Stage is located.  The weather was forecast to have light rain today - with strong winds.  Because our ship hasn'’t had internet for the past 48 hours, M had not been in communication with Ato and was unsure if the tour would still go ahead.  M had worked with Guest services and arranged for our entire group to go off on a tender boat together (rather than waiting in the lounges with the other guests).
And so our entire group boarded the tender and headed to shore where we soon learned it was raining heavily.  Our group huddled under one of the 10 x 10 foot pop up Zuiderdam pop-up tents while M went in search of Ato.  We soon learned that all of Ato’s tours had been cancelled due to the poor weather.
J asked if I wanted to go for a walk on the island towards the lighthouse and I agreed.  Three other hearty souls joined us.  So the five of us walked at a very leisurely pace in the rain for about 40 minutes until the far left end of the island.  And when we arrived at the lighthouse, we found the rain stopped and it was lovely enough to hunt for seashells and coral on the far side of the island - the side that wasn’t protected by the atoll, so waves were crashing in.  We met up with another couple from the ship who were geocaching - using a GPS to find a hidden scroll, which they found situated on the wall of the lighthouse.

J found a coconut and played Tom Hanks - using a sharp stone edge to cut it open and drink the coconut water - and fed the fruit to all of us as a snack.  We then proceeded to walk back along the road, intending to snorkel along the way.  We had seen three suitable entry points into the water to snorkel and chose the one closest to the lighthouse to enter the water. The downside was I had sent my fins and snorkel on a tender back to the ship with friends who offered to lighten my load.  The other four had made the hike carrying all of their snorkelling gear.  It turned out to be tremendous snorkelling.   J came back to shore and let me use his mask and snorkel to explore.  We saw many of the regular fish plus grouper, white tipped sharks and bull sharks and a fish that looked like a moorish idol but without the long fin. I had my fill snorkelling and then J continued to snorkel with one other guest and three of us walked back to the ship. 

One of our snorkelling friends, with J in the water behind and the ship beyond that!

 We had waves of sunshine and periods of intense rain.  Despite the wet weather, I wasn’t cold!  Because we were walking, and not travelling by boat, the wind wasn’t problematic in making me cold.  We were wet - every single thing on us was wet - but we all just had a good attitude that we were exploring the island!  
Eventually we saw other guests from the island walking along the road or renting bicycles and pedalling down the road to explore. In walking back, the three of us tried to stop and go into a shop and the woman crossed her arms in a big X indicating they were closed.  (Our dripping wet attire may have contributed to her reaction!)  Once again, I was sorry not to give any business to the island - we certainly did enjoy exploring it on our own for free!
Once back on board, I showered and wrang out all the wet clothing and hanged it in the bathroom or on my travel clothes line in the main part of the room, once it had stopped dripping.  I had lunch and a lovely conversation on the Lido deck with friends from Vermont.  J then returned and I accompanied him for lunch.  We then ran into R & V from Vancouver and invited them to join us for Afternoon Tea in the dining room!  J had eaten a light lunch and I knew the additional liquid would be a good idea to consume!
We then returned to our room and from the comfort of our verandah, I began typing my blog and watching the final tenders return for the all aboard time of 4:30 pm.  The Captain came on and reported that the weather was not ideal, that it was challenging with all the rain squalls.  We are not to expect any internet for the next two days - so you all will read these entries days after they happen.  Sorry about that!  I would like to check in with my boys to make sure they are okay - but we don’t have that option!
We went up to the Lido Deck for pictures at sail away - it had stopped raining at that point.  We then had our usual laughter at our dinner table with friends R & C.  After dinner, we went to the Mainstage to see the Zuiderdam singers and dancers perform “Dance Fever”.  On the tender returning to the ship I met Cole - who is one of the singers & dancers.  The lead dancer Alexi was on the tender too.  I learned most of the entertainers sleep in quarters on Deck A - with the crew - but the entertainers do have room stewards to clean their rooms.  Somehow Cole ended up in the “priest’s quarters” on Deck 8!  I think he is happy there!  I also learned that Father Paul Parker, the Catholic Priest onboard, is NOT in the priest’s quarters!

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