Monday 15 October 2018

Day 3 Saguenay

I set an alarm for 6:30 am so that I could quickly dress and be walking the promenade deck when the sun rose. Sunrise was officially near 7 am - and it was getting light by 6:45 am. 

There was one other hearty guest up at the same hour walking the promenade. The wind was brisk and the temperature was 3 C or 37 F. Being the hearty Canadian that I am - I had a toque, gloves, scarf and about 4 layers of clothing on top. I was quite comfortable with those clothes!

It was fun to watch the ship pull up close to the dock and pull in the guide lines. I moved from Deck 3 (Promenade) to Deck 10 to Dec 9 (Lido) to move from one viewpoint to another. 

By 730 am, local volunteers dressed in period costumes welcomed the ship with a very loud sound system announcing they were eager to have guests come ashore. They played music and danced. A tepee was set up and a maple sugar shack too!!

I ate on the lido deck then joined Mom back at the room. She had eaten her breakfast after it was delivered by room service. Since she didn’t sleep well I think she was wishing she hadn’t ordered breakfast to be delivered 7:30 and 8:00!

LC, B and I then walked ashore to see the sights. Ship staff and local volunteers helped push B’s wheelchair off the ship. We then went through the port shopping area and enjoyed chatting with locals in French and English. At the port, all locals spoke English - but as you got further away from the port, less English is spoken. 

We then pushed B along a flat path to see the harbour and take some pictures. Nice for B to get some fresh air!!  We returned to the ship and went to the Lido for lunch. The dining room is closed at lunch on port days. 

After lunch Mom and I went to La Fabuleuse - a theatrical production put on by 200 local volunteers, telling the history of the local Saguenay region. What a phenomenal production!  Live animals including 6 horses, a pig and geese were onstage. An amazing image projection system brought floods onto the stage and fires to life in sharing the historical background of the last several centuries. 

The production was first performed in 1988. Thirty years later the production entertained and educated more than 1,200,000 spectators!!  Go see La Fabuleuse!!  Our performance was in English - and of course is performed in French too!  It runs from May to October, several times per week!

After returning to the shop we enjoyed dinner and the production show 1000 Steps. We need to get to the theatre more than 15 minutes in advance because there are lots of pillars that block your view of the stage!!

Mom LC and I returned to our rooms and retired for the night. We lose an hour of sleep tonight - but we do have a sea day tomorrow!!

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