Monday 22 October 2018

Day 11 At Sea

Our last day at sea!!  I awoke and went straight to the fitness centre to ride the bike and do a few weights. I chose to shower at the fitness centre and saw a woodpecker hanging onto the ship for dear life!!  I delighted in the flat seas!!

My brother in law can most surely identify this bird - and maybe my husband too!!

Mom and I went to the dining room for breakfast and were probably the last to be seated at 9:15!  I think breakfast is hotter at the Lido!!  We went to LC and B room. The women all decided to go to the thermal suite for a little therapeutic healing!  Beautiful hot tub that can alleviate aches and pains!  (Particularly in my neck and knee!)

We all went to the dining room for lunch where I had fish and chips! The Test Kitchen was demonstrating some chocolate recipes at 1 pm so I raced there. I am sporting two new recipes for pot au chocolat and brownies. My family will appreciate me testing them out when I get  home! Mom never wants to see the Test Kitchen so this was my first full viewing!

Ask the Captain was taking place at 2 pm so I collected Mom from the stateroom and raced to the mainstage. The captain gave us a virtual tour of the bridge and answered many questions with a surprising degree of honesty!!  Captain Wouter van Hoogdalem joined Holland America in 1999 and became a captain in 2012. He has been Caotain of the Zuiderdam for the past 2 1/2 years.  Mom thinks he looks very young. He is married, has 2 daughters and a 4 year old son. 

LC and I met to walk around the promenade deck. We think 4 laps equals a mile. It was so refreshing to be able to get out in the fresh air and walk in warm temperatures (comfortable enough for T-shirt).

Mom went up to the salon to get her hair done - a wash and a set cost $40 US with a $5 tip included. 

Our dinner at 5:30 had its usual stellar service with Ketut as head waiter and Aries as assistant. They are so good to help an extra amount eith B - providing him with iced tea every night, helping him in and out of his chair, remembering which type of tea we drink after supper. The service really is stellar. 

The stage show was One World- a modified version of the same show we saw on the Koningsdam ship a few years ago. Great song and dance with visual backgrounds. 

Mom then went to here more music (country and western) while LC and I went for one last visit to the thermal pool. Mom came home exuberant- having known every single song that played.  She is fighting a cold and I hope that I don’t catch it!

We have ordered breakfast for delivery tomorrow morning prio to our day at Cape Canaveral!

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