Wednesday 24 October 2018

Day 11 Port Canaveral

A person should start writing their blog before 10 pm at night!!  I am about ready to retire for the evening (and my Mom did go to bed an hour ago as she is fighting a cold) so should have collected the day’s thoughts before now!!

Room service for breakfast allowed us to leave the ship as soon as LC joined us about 9 am. Today we are in Port Canaveral and have rented a car with Hertz. Hertz had a shuttle service to their rental office less than 10 minutes away. 

We weren’t sure what we wanted to do - but we started by going to Manatee Sanctuary Park. I thought it would be paid admission and an opportunity to see alligators. Wrong on both accounts. No paid admission and no alligators spotted!  We did see a heron and some lovely park space. 

We then headed to Cocoa Beach Pier. It clearly had lots of sand beyond the parking lot and we wouldn’t have been able to push Mom in the wheelchair too easily in those conditions!  We were unwilling to pay $15 to park to see how lovely the beach was!  The day started off at 24 C and got as high as 28 C so it really felt tropical!

After a quick stops at a few shops we decided we would make the trip to the big attraction Cape Canaveral is known for - and make the trip to Kennedy Space Centre. It was a 30 minutes drive. Entrance cost $57 for adults and $50 for seniors over age 55. Parking cost $10 for a sedan. 

It really is a big attraction like Disney and is built to manage crowds of people. We took the general tour to Saturn V. Is it huge!!

Fascinating for all the science geeks out there. The video at the end of the tour tries to remind the average individual how space research has trickled down to benefit all - like the tiny processing unit we all cannot live without in our hands these days!  It was a good reminder - because you sure saw how much is invested into space exploration!

The free Hertz shuttle terminal stops running to the cruise terminal at 3 pm , so we took an Uber back to the ship. Mom was really feeling the effects of her cold and so decided to stay in the room while I went for one last supper with LC and B. I delivered Mom a meal later but she felt too unwell to eat it. 

We pulled out of port at 7 pm and we saw the huge Norwegian Escape. Quite an impressive ship!

Mom had packed up her bag so I then packed my suitcase and set it out in the hallway. Needs to be out there before midnight!

I watched the end of Oceans 8 movie on the mainstage, then had my usual cup of tea. Sleep beckons as tomorrow will be a long travel day back home!  Our journey has come to an end!!

Monday 22 October 2018

Day 11 At Sea

Our last day at sea!!  I awoke and went straight to the fitness centre to ride the bike and do a few weights. I chose to shower at the fitness centre and saw a woodpecker hanging onto the ship for dear life!!  I delighted in the flat seas!!

My brother in law can most surely identify this bird - and maybe my husband too!!

Mom and I went to the dining room for breakfast and were probably the last to be seated at 9:15!  I think breakfast is hotter at the Lido!!  We went to LC and B room. The women all decided to go to the thermal suite for a little therapeutic healing!  Beautiful hot tub that can alleviate aches and pains!  (Particularly in my neck and knee!)

We all went to the dining room for lunch where I had fish and chips! The Test Kitchen was demonstrating some chocolate recipes at 1 pm so I raced there. I am sporting two new recipes for pot au chocolat and brownies. My family will appreciate me testing them out when I get  home! Mom never wants to see the Test Kitchen so this was my first full viewing!

Ask the Captain was taking place at 2 pm so I collected Mom from the stateroom and raced to the mainstage. The captain gave us a virtual tour of the bridge and answered many questions with a surprising degree of honesty!!  Captain Wouter van Hoogdalem joined Holland America in 1999 and became a captain in 2012. He has been Caotain of the Zuiderdam for the past 2 1/2 years.  Mom thinks he looks very young. He is married, has 2 daughters and a 4 year old son. 

LC and I met to walk around the promenade deck. We think 4 laps equals a mile. It was so refreshing to be able to get out in the fresh air and walk in warm temperatures (comfortable enough for T-shirt).

Mom went up to the salon to get her hair done - a wash and a set cost $40 US with a $5 tip included. 

Our dinner at 5:30 had its usual stellar service with Ketut as head waiter and Aries as assistant. They are so good to help an extra amount eith B - providing him with iced tea every night, helping him in and out of his chair, remembering which type of tea we drink after supper. The service really is stellar. 

The stage show was One World- a modified version of the same show we saw on the Koningsdam ship a few years ago. Great song and dance with visual backgrounds. 

Mom then went to here more music (country and western) while LC and I went for one last visit to the thermal pool. Mom came home exuberant- having known every single song that played.  She is fighting a cold and I hope that I don’t catch it!

We have ordered breakfast for delivery tomorrow morning prio to our day at Cape Canaveral!

Day 10 At Sea

So we had another rough night - at 3 am the ship was really rocking to and fro!

I had breakfast at the Lido while Mom rested in the room a bit longer. Coincidentally I bumped into LC so I didn’t have to eat breakfast alone. Mom and I then went to the interdenominational church service, which an employee mistakenly called interdivisional!!  It was a full house with more than 70 people in attendance!!

Mom decided she wanted blueberry pancakes for breakfast so we went up to the Lido and had a nice visit with a realtor named Myrna from Las Vegas!  We then went to visit LC and B in their lovely suite. We were trying to make a decision about what to do in Cape Canaveral. We finally decided to rent a car to keep our options open. 

At 11:30 I went and heard the singers and dancers chat about life on the ship and have a backstage tour. Currently 3 male dancers are out with injuries!

Mom and I went to the Mariners lunch with Captain Wouter van Hoogdalem. 

By this time of the day it was incredibly rough and something went crashing down in the dining room. The Captain told us that these appreciation luncheons with repeat Holland America guests started in the 1970’s. we know there are a variety of gatherings with the captain based on your loyalty to the cruise line. LC and B are four star Mariners - about to be 5 stars after this cruise. Mom is a two star, I am one!!  They give you a Dutch tile that could be used as a coaster and is part of a set if you are a collector. 

I delivered Mom back to the stateroom (she couldn’t possibly walk without holding onto somebody’s arm), after a quick stop at the gift shop for some Bonine. I then joined LC at the main stage to hear the port discussion on Port Canaveral.   LC and I then went up to the Lido around the pool (still with the roof covering it and nobody swimming) to have a mocktail!

Here is a photo of the only person I have ever seen swim in the pool!  She tethers herself to the railing and uses paddles to push more water for exercise and swims in the same spot for 30-45 minutes. Appropriate that a polar bear stands guard over her!!

Here is the set up of our stateroom!  Two single beds with a tiny couch next to it. Perfect for Mom and I!

Later on Mom had a bath and drained the water and found black sludge coming up from the drain in the bathroom floor. We called housekeeping to come deal with the matter and learned that a few backups had been happening coinciding with the very rough seas. I had taken a Dramamine last night and a bonine this morning and thankfully did not feel seasick!!

LC called me to say that B had fallen in their stateroom and needed help getting up. After I arrived, 3 strapping room stewards came and helped get B from the floor upright sitting in a chair. No broken bones or bleeding gashes - that was good. 

I zipped upstairs to this fitness centre to have a shower (fearing another backup in our bathroom). Mom, LC and I all wore matching dresses in different colours for tonight’s formal dinner!!  We stopped and had professional photos but snapped one in the room late at night!

The gala dinner was surf and turf for all of us!  With flourless chocolate cake for dessert. 

Mom and I went to watch the dueling pianos at Billboard Onstage for half an hour before the Mainstage feature. The power of two was a 2 person Cirque du Soleil act - a combination of power and grace (strength and flexibility) - Ilia from Russia and Oksana from the Ukraine. 

Today was a good day to have a wheelchair rented for Mom. It was much easier to push her around in a wheelchair than have her hang onto my arm and have us both stagger around with the motion on the ship. 

We enjoyed tea at the Lido deck. At 9:45 they said their was a chocolate surprise on deck 2 - so I wanted to find out about that. Back to the Bill board stage we went. Sure enough, a parade of chocolate was delivered by the food staff including delicious chocolate milk, cake pops, cupcakes, macaroons, etc all made with various shades of chocolate!  What a delicious treat!!

Time to retire for the night!!

Day 9 Boston

The Boston Freedom trail beckoned to me today!!
A few pictures as I will be at sea for the next two days and have a tough time publishing these photos!

For the price of $15 round trip a person can take a shuttle bus to Quincy Market downtown Boston. The price was right, but it wasn’t a quick process. As LC noted, it was one hour twenty minutes to complete the transfer!!

My goal today was to walk the Freedom Trail. The sites of revolutionary Boston from the 1700’s. The Freedom Trail include scenes of critical events in Boston’s and the Nation’s struggle for freedom. The entire trail is 2 1/2 miles long. 

In visiting the information booth at Faneuil Hall, I learned that a person just needs to follow the brick path. What a brilliant way to lay out a winding trail through city streets!! Lay a path two bricks wide along the sidewalks and across streets!!  I never got lost!

I visited Boston Common and State House, Park Street Church, Granary Cemetary (where patriots John Hancock, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams and the 5 victims of the Boston Maddscre are buried), King’s Chapel  (the first Anglican chspel built in 1749), the Franklin Statue (at the First Public School site in America established in 1635), Old South Meeting House, Old State House (where I heard the retelling of the Boston Massacre) and Faneuil Hall. 

It was an enlightening day - one that I appreciated learning about significant American history. 

I didn’t get  to all the trail sites in the north part of the trail. I needed to catch the last shuttle at 4 pm, so by 2:40 decided I better return to the ship. The shuttles were a bit disorganized as I nearly headed back on a bus destined for the Rotterdam, not The Zuiderdam!

Today it was lovely to experience temperatures of 14 C!  Upon arriving back at the ship I took advantage of a few quiet minutes to Skype with my youngest st University and then to call my husband at home. All is well!!

Supper was a fine affair. We then enjoyed hits of the music through the ages on the Mainstage. 

Mom and I then watched the movie Edie. 

Tomorrow is a relaxing day at sea!

Saturday 20 October 2018

Day 8 Bar Harbor Maine

Today was immigration day as we entered US waters and had dropped anchor just off of Bar Harbor Maine. By 7:15 am, they started calling guests beginning with deck 1 to present themselves before the immigration officers. Non Americans were to report to midship deck 3 in the Half Moon Room. By 7:40 they had called deck 6 - our deck. Mom and I hustled out to join, what turned out to be a long line. We waited about 30 minutes to get processed. The ship swiped our cards, immigration checked our passports, and then the ship hole punched our ships card to indicate we had gone through the process. 

Later, talking to Americans, we learned their lineup was about 4 minutes long (they too, had 3 immigration officers). We had no need to claim purchases made in Canada. They ended up calling 5 people at the end of the process asking them to present themselves to immigration. Pretty slick. 

Then we tendered in to Bar Harbor. Another port where my brother in law, B, couldn’t join us, because he uses a wheelchair, and is not able to do two steps independently into the tender. 

Mom and I met two guests from Holland who both use wheelchairs. They were not told they had to make those two steps themselves (to board a tender) until they had boarded the ship. 

LC, Mom and I took a long tender ride over to the mainland - it took about 25 minutes. Once ashore, there was a beautiful view to enjoy!!

There were many shops to explore that reminded me of Banff. Bar Harbor is a town of about 5,000 that swells to about 30,000 in the summer months of July and August. Most of the shops will close by the last cruise on November 4th. 

Mom and I decided to take a bus tour for $32.50 that would last 2.5 hours in duration. We heard about the fire that moved through the town in 1946. Until that year, many of the rich and famous in the US had summer homes in Bar Harbor. After the fire, some chose not to rebuild, some set up summer homes in The more affluent Newport. 

Rob from Acadia National Park tours then took us to the top Cadillac Mountain. 

You can see the thin strip of a sandbar between the mainland and Bar Island. That sandbar is only visible and passable on foot when tide is low. It is this strip of sand bar that gave the town of“Bar Harbor” its namesake.   Our Holland America ship is the navy blue hulled ship on the right side behind the island. 

The wind was strong and cold at the top of Cadillac Mountain and we were happy to return to the warmth of the bus. 

We then visited Acadia National Park to see some autumn foliage. We learned that Rockafeller gave a considerable sum of money to allow this park to be built. Part of it was on the condition that the no motorized vehicles be allowed on the trails. That holds true today as cars are not allowed on the designated paths - but trails are used for hiking, cycling and occasionally horses! Normal admission for a vehicle to the park is $25 for the week. 

We then visited Thunder Falls. Pink granite, not unlike rock in Northern Ontario. 

Mom and I felt the bus tour was good value for the sights we saw. 

We were lucky enough to hop on a tender that immediately departed for the ship. Once aboard, I went up to the Crowsnest to order a chai latte!  I was chilled, thanks to the temp of 5 C today with high winds. 

I also paid a visit to the fitness centre to cycle and do leg press weights!

Roast turkey for supper was delicious!  LC and B even joined us for tonight’s comedian on the main stage, Jim Colliton. He actually provided a lot of laughs.   Mom and I enjoyed a bit of time with the quintet at the Lincoln Centre Stage. I am tuckered our and ready for bed!

Tomorrow - Boston!

Friday 19 October 2018

Day 7 Halifax

The ship pulled into port an hour late this morning. Evidently the ship ahead of us dropped its speed and we were stuck behind it - and so passengers starting disembarking at 9 am instead of 8 am. LC said guest services was pretty upset about the delay as no doubt many tours were impacted. 

We had rented a car with Thrifty today and that gave us freedom to do exactly what we wanted!  Though service at the Westin hotel in renting the car was slow, so I wasn’t able to pick up Mom, LC and B until about 10:45.

I followed some good advice from Cruise Critic. gives incredibly detailed driving tours that I used to preprogram GPS coordinates for sites we wanted to visit. So we headed out to Peggy’s Cove to see the most iconic lighthouse in the country!  What fierce winds!!  LC jumped out and took photos for all of us!!

Stunning views!!

There were bus loads of people around, so we decided to stop at the visitors centre and find a restaurant for lunch. A friend of mine had recommended restaurant Rhubarb- at nearby Indian Narrows. I had the most delicious lobster roll there - followed by sticky toffee cake that was amazing!!

We did visit the Swiss Air Memorial too. 

We returned to the ship and fought the fierce wind that brought on snow too!  (A first, for many ship crew members!)

During supper we realized the ship was listing quite a bit to the starboard side. The captain announced that hurricane winds measure 12 and we were experiencing winds one notch below that at 11. Hence, the listing of the ship. Mom and I thought this was a good night to retire to our room early rather than going to watch the main stage show at the very front of the ship. 

So Mom and I watched the movie Wonder. We will see if the winds die in the night and if we are able to ride the tender into Bar Harbor Maine, in the morning!

Thursday 18 October 2018

Day 6 Sydney, Nova Scotia

This morning we awoke to a knock at the door at 6:56 am. My sister delivered the news that my Mom became a Great Grandma as my nephew and his wife had a baby girl!  What wonderful news!

Today we dropped anchor in Sydney - and had to tender into port because the Rotterdam was parked at the pier. We gathered in the lounge to catch a tender by 8:15. Avis and Budget rental cars ran a constant stream of two vans between their rental office and the pier, so we waited for a few minutes for the van to arrive and then Mom, LC and I ferried to the rental office. 

We rented a suburban vehicle for about $75 for the day. The helpful staff at the rental office suggested we make our way towards the Cabot Trail because about 80% of the guests so far we’re heading to Baddeck and stunning views awaited on the Cabot Trail!

We made a quick stop at Wal-Mart to pick up a few essentials. What gorgeous colours today!  Red, orange,yellow and green!!  LC wanted some lovely fall foliage pictures so we probably stopped 20 times alongside the road - each time we saw a view we could  not resist!  Renting our own vehicle was affordable and absolutely the right choice for us!

We drive as far as this point - to Smoky Point Provincial Park about 15 km south of Ingonish. This was our predetermined turnaround point. And we really wanted to take pictures in the sunshine!  By noon we had more cloud cover than sunshine!

We returned to Avis by about 3 pm in the afternoon and back at the dock by 3:30 pm. By that time, I realized I had lost my ship card - the ID necessary to swipe in and out of the ship!  So, I didn’t linger around the shops at the pier with Mom and LC. I approached security outside the tender dock and explained my situation. They asked what cabin I was in. Once I told them, they had a master list of each and every stateroom with the associated names. Of course I presented my driver’s license and that matched the name on my stateroom. 

Because I work in the event industry in registration- I knew the ship would have to have a process for such lost documents!!  So once off the tender, and approaching the staff to scan back in on the ship, I explained my situation again. I showed my driver’s license again and she directed me to head directly up to guest services to replace my card.   Once at guest services they assured me my old card was deactivated and nobody could charge on the card. ( Theoretically nobody else should be able to charge on my card because my picture is associated with the card). 

Once back aboard, I did a little work on my phone while I had access to Caanadian wifi!

Supper in the dining room was a lovely affair followed by ventriloquist Mike Robinson and singer pianist Brett Cave. It wasn’t quite as strong a show as the first time we saw Brett - and as we had befriended two Québécois in the row beside us, I began to appreciate how difficult it is to follow humour in a second language. Consequently I didn’t appreciate the performance of Mike Robinson too much!  But the entertainment is intended to provide something for everyone!

As is my usual ritual, I went up to the Lido to get a cup of tea for the evening - and keep it warm in the thermos mug I have brought from home and wrote the day’s blog!

Tomorrow - Halifax!

Wednesday 17 October 2018

Day 5 No Charlottetown but Day at Sea

With high winds proving to give adverse conditions, the captain had to make the call not to drop anchor in Charlottetown. Tenders would not have been possible in these rough seas. The captain did his best to keep us in calm waters today - on the east side of Cabot Trail - away from the Gulf of St Lawrence. 

With Bonine in my system, I slept soundly until 8:30 am. Mom and I went up to the Lido deck for breakfast. At 10:30 am we went to a talk hosted by Sabine- where she interviewed musician Brett Cave and comedian ventriloquist Mike somebody!!  Each had been employed by Holland America for years. Brett Cave stays on our ship till Boston, then moves over to the Rotterdam. He has 4 weeks on and two weeks off in his contract. Mike has 5 weeks on and 3 weeks off.  Both have wives and children at home!

We stoooed by LC and B’s room for a visit. They decided to eat lunch in the Lido and Mom and I went to the dining room. We were fearful of dropping our food and spilling our drinks so the dining room seemed a safer bet. 

Our plans originally had been to rent a car in Charlottetown so we simply cancelled that reservation. 

Mom went to an Update your hairstyle session (she was told that her style was very suitable!). LC and I went to a travel trivia contest and had fun and winning results with our “Commonwealth” team. Two Brits, 2 Torontoians and ourselves were quizzed in Canada and New England!!  With a near perfect score, we won a lovely Canada New England HAL pin. 

By 3 pm , Mom and I returned to the room for a sleep - best way to deal with the rocky seas!  They had sick bags available by the elevator near the Crowsnest on Deck 10!  In reality though, the captain has kept us at a slow pace and in sheltered areas to avoid the roughest of seas. 

The dining room for dinner had Tekut and Aries giving us the utmost attention as usual!!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Day 2 Boarding Holland America’s Zuiderdam

I love the colours of the maple leaves here with Holland America’s Zuiderdam on the Fleuve St Laurent.  This is from the Chateau Frontenac walkway!

LC and I went for a walk and enjoyed the National Assembly Du Quebec!  Beautiful building!

There is a fountain out front celebrating 400 years of the founding of Quebec. The fountain was refurbished or gifted from the president of the Simon’s store. 

We then carried on down through Okd Quebec to Chateau Frontenac!

I returned to the hotel to meet everybody to check out of the hotel and grab a shuttle to the port. It was a quick 10 minute drive (maybe less) to get to the port. Once we joined the line of passengers, we quickly obtained the pre-ordered wheelchairs for Mom and B. That meant we were whisked to the front of the line to get processed. The same porters pushes the wheelchairs right to our staterooms so that was comfortable for LC and I too!

Lunch in the dining room was much appreciated!  Muster still on deck 3 was at 4 pm. We joined LC and B on their Neptune Suite verandah for sail away. Beautiful fall colours. 

Dinner in the main dining room at 5:30 was tasty. LC and B were serenaded with fine singers and a tasty cake to celebrate their anniversary ( a few days early)!

Mom and I raced to the discussion about tomorrow’s port of Sagenay at 7 pm.   We chose to watch the movie La La Land in our stateroom for the evening’s entertainment!

Day 4 At Sea

With an hour lost to time zone change in the night, I slept straight through till 8:30 am. Yikes!!  With a cruise a critic meeting scheduled for 10 am that I was in charge of - I wanted to get a move on!!  A shower, followed by breakfast in the Lido had me racing to get to the Billboard On-board Lounge by 9:35 am!!

Holland America had it set up as promised with coffee, tea, cookies and water and a roped off area stating it was a private event. We had 42 members from Cruise Critic gather and meet one another after some months of conversation online!  The forum offers roll calls for each cruise and it is an opportunity to hear suggestions from other travellers about what to do at each port. As expected, no officers showed up but we enjoyed the comraderie just the same. 

Mom read her book for a bit, and I joined LC and B in their room before lunch in the dining room. LC and I then walked on the promenade deck for a few laps, while Mom waited in the Explorer’s Lounge for the Women’s Pamper Event that began at 2 pm. I joined her for the event and we placed all kinds creams and collagen on our face in an effort to reduce wrinkles!!  It wasn’t a high pressure sales event so that was appreciated!

We then decided to go for high tea in the dining room. It was not over the top. Just a few sandwiches and a few squares along with lovely black tea from a pot!

Mom and I visited the Crowsnest and the EXC lounge to explore excursion options while in Cape Canaveral. We then heard confirmation from our Captain that Gale force winds of 45 knots per hour with gusts to 60 knots per hour will prevent us from docking (or dropping anchor) in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island tomorrow.   No doubt this is the tail end of Hurricane Michael and its devastation.   We should expect rocky  seas tonight - I anticipate Dramamine or gravol will he needed!

Our formal night in the dining room meant we got dressed in our finest and had an elevated menu. I chose escargots, salad, sole and chocolate mousse!

Tonight’s performer was Brett Cave - a singer pianist who performed Billy Joel, Elton John and the Beatles. Great entertainer and funny to boot!

Mom and I reviewed what we would take in a lifeboat if necessary - so therefore we won’t need anything tonight - but I have bonine and Dramamine at the ready!!

Now watching the movie The Post!