Saturday 21 July 2018

Day 13 – June 30th 2018 Canmore to Calgary

Today's ride was from Canmore to Calgary.  The ride is about 110 km.  The wind was out of the west at 20 kph so we averaged 26 kph and RJD mentioned that we had a record day for our fastest 40 km section which I am sure was that road just west of Cochrane.

Though JG planned the TCH from Canmore to Calgary because it was familiar, RJD suggested the 1A which of course proved to be a magnificent decision.  We had views of the Three Sisters and then Grotto Mtn, then Yaminiska.  Soon our mountain views were behind us and we got to enjoy the Bow coming in to the prairie and Ghost Lake.  Of course, we only had to stop and turn around to see the mountains.

We stopped in Cochrane for a McKay's ice cream which for some is the destination of the ride from Calgary to Cochrane.  It was not the best ice cream but probably made the top three and closer to drive to than Dutchman Dairy.  The climb up the Cochrane hill was still a good climb but probably just making the top ten of the trip.  As we sailed into Calgary, RJD had his second flat of the trip, with the first being still on Vancouver Island.  The only other maintenance I can recall was the need to tighten some bolts on John's seat to eliminate a squeak and to replace a cleat bolt that fell out on the first day.

As we were rolling into Calgary with that fine west wind at our back, feeling like Superman as we glided along at 30 kph on the flats, the wheels were in motion for the next ride in 2019 through the prairies.  You might have thought as I finished the ride, it would be with a sense of relief but the truth, it was no different then stepping off a cruise ship and knowing the incredible adventure is complete.  Okay, my legs are a little sore but nothing a year's rest can't fix.  Off to the shower.
And the caloric cost of the 13 days ride was 31557 kcal or about 9 lbs of fat.

If you can ride 80 km/day and are willing to push yourself a little, I highly recommend the ride which was our Day 5 - Day 13.  Just get a friend to shuttle you to Sunshine Valley and ride to Calgary.

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